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ZeroPoint Technologies

ZeroPoint Technologies is a leader in the field of semiconductor IP solutions, focusing on energy efficiency for data centers and smart devices. Founded through research at Chalmers University of Technology, they have pioneered advances in memory compression, aiming to remove unnecessary information from semiconductors. This innovation translates to improved performance per watt, a crucial metric for the sustainability of data centers and smart devices worldwide. Their mission is to significantly cut energy consumption in data centers, potentially saving substantial amounts of electricity globally. ZeroPoint's technology offers a unique blend of hardware IP blocks and customized software for memory management, applicable to both CPUs and SoCs. This approach allows their clients to integrate highly efficient compression and compaction capabilities directly into their systems, thereby enhancing both economic and environmental footprints. Their commitment to sustainability is demonstrated by their ability to increase performance while cutting energy costs and reducing carbon footprints. By focusing on both reducing energy use and increasing storage efficiency, ZeroPoint addresses critical challenges in today's increasingly digitized world. The company's innovative spirit is reflected in its strategic approach to integrating compression technology into semiconductors, thus maximizing performance per watt. By doing so, they help data centers alleviate the dual challenges of growing electricity demands and storage needs without sacrificing efficiency or performance. ZeroPoint Technologies has a strong market presence and continues to expand its network globally. Their solutions are not just technologically advanced but are also strategically aligned with the industry's future needs, positioning themselves as a key player in the realm of sustainable digital transformation. Read more

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SuperRAM is an advanced hardware-based compression solution offering low-latency performance with outstanding power efficiency. Its design allows for unparalleled data processing speeds, crucial for maintaining optimum performance levels in data centers and reducing latency-induced bottlenecks. By delivering high-speed data compression capabilities, SuperRAM empowers organizations to handle increasing data demands swiftly and efficiently. The high performance and energy-efficient nature of SuperRAM make it ideal for scenarios where speed and reliability are imperative. Whether dealing with expansive databases or real-time data processing applications, this IP ensures data throughput remains high while power consumption is kept to a minimum. This reduction in power use also helps organizations meet sustainability goals, leading to a more environmentally friendly data center setup. In addition to its robust operational efficiencies, SuperRAM provides data centers with a flexible tool that accommodates changes in data management needs. Its design versatility supports the evolving demands of high-performance applications, providing a platform that can adapt to future technological innovations. With SuperRAM, data centers are well-positioned to handle any new computing challenges that may arise while keeping energy usage in check.

ZeroPoint Technologies
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SDRAM Controller
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NVMe Expansion

NVMe Expansion offers a transformative approach to extending NVMe storage capacities by 2-4 times. Utilizing hardware-accelerated technologies such as LZ4 and zstd compression, this IP effectively increases the storage capabilities without requiring additional NVMe drives. This breakthrough allows data centers to leverage existing hardware more efficiently, maximizing storage while minimizing investment in new equipment. The use of hardware-accelerated compression ensures that the NVMe Expansion operates with high-speed efficiency, which is critical for maintaining throughput in high-demand scenarios. This capability addresses the growing need for storage expansion solutions that do not compromise on performance, ensuring that data can be accessed and managed swiftly and efficiently. NVMe Expansion is an essential solution for data centers looking to enhance storage without incurring significant additional costs or energy consumption. By offering a robust, scalable solution to storage challenges, NVMe Expansion supports the development of efficient, high-capacity data environments. Its functionality is geared towards streamlining operations and optimizing resource allocation, ensuring future-ready infrastructure.

ZeroPoint Technologies
All Foundries
SDRAM Controller
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Cache MX

Cache MX is a cutting-edge compression technology designed to enhance cache capacity within data centers. By utilizing sophisticated algorithms, this IP effectively doubles the cache capacity, achieving an 80% reduction in area and power compared to traditional SRAM capacities. This significant enhancement in cache capabilities ensures that data centers can operate more efficiently, handling larger data volumes without an increase in physical space or power use. The technology behind Cache MX integrates seamlessly with existing data center architectures, providing a smooth transition to enhanced operational efficiencies. By reducing the physical and power demands on storage components, it helps to mitigate the environmental impact of data centers. The focus on sustainability does not come at the expense of performance; rather, it enhances it with increased memory handling efficiency. Furthermore, Cache MX is engineered for scalability, allowing data centers to expand their operations without the traditional exponential increase in operating costs. This scalability is crucial in today's fast-evolving technological landscape where data growth is constant. Cache MX enables data centers to stay ahead, maintaining high performance and low operational costs simultaneously. The technology is thus ideally suited to help meet the increasing demand for data storage and processing efficiency.

ZeroPoint Technologies
SDRAM Controller
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SphinX provides high-performance AES-XTS encryption and decryption capabilities with independently functioning non-blocking channels. This product is engineered for data security, ensuring that data integrity and confidentiality are maintained without introducing significant latency. The dual-channel architecture allows simultaneous encryption and decryption processes, thus optimizing security without impacting throughput. This encryption solution is particularly beneficial for environments where data security is paramount, such as financial services, cloud computing infrastructures, and data centers. By maintaining high speed and low latency, SphinX ensures that the security processes do not slow down operations, providing a seamless security layer for continuous data handling. The balance of performance and security provided by SphinX makes it a reliable choice for organizations seeking robust protection without compromising system efficiency. It supports scalable data environments, allowing for secure data transfer that adapts to growing operational demands, ensuring data protection keeps pace with technological advancements.

ZeroPoint Technologies
Cryptography Cores
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DenseMem is designed to expand CXL connected memory capacity, effectively doubling it with data compression technologies. This capacity extension is achieved through sophisticated compression algorithms, which significantly enhance the memory capabilities of data centers, allowing them to store and retrieve larger datasets efficiently. Its innovative approach not only improves storage capacity but also optimizes data retrieval, ensuring faster processing times. DenseMem is especially targeted towards applications requiring large memory resources, offering a robust solution to the challenges of scaling memory in high-demand environments. With DenseMem, data centers can significantly enhance their storage capabilities without a proportional increase in physical infrastructure, thereby achieving substantial cost efficiencies as well. The emphasis on not just expanding memory capacity, but doing so in a way that promotes sustainability, is a core feature of DenseMem. By integrating advanced data manipulation capabilities, DenseMem ensures that the increased capacity does not detract from environmentally conscious operational practices. This makes DenseMem a pivotal component in the drive toward more efficient, high-capacity data center environments.

ZeroPoint Technologies
SDRAM Controller
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Ziptilion BW

Ziptilion BW is a performance-oriented IP that enhances DDR bandwidth, delivering up to 25% more at standard frequencies and power levels. This IP is essential for improving the efficiency of memory-intensive applications, making it a valuable asset to systems where optimal bandwidth usage is critical. Ziptilion BW achieves this through innovative compression techniques that streamline data flow without compromising speed or integrity. Designed specifically for SoC integration, Ziptilion BW ensures that systems can maximize memory bandwidth to improve overall performance. Its implementation reduces the bottlenecks commonly associated with memory data access, allowing for smoother and more efficient information processing. This capability is particularly advantageous in data centers seeking to enhance their throughput without significant infrastructure overhauls. Additionally, by optimizing the available memory bandwidth, Ziptilion BW allows for a more effective use of power resources. This optimization translates into tangible energy savings, supporting data centers in their efforts to reduce electricity consumption. Its presence in a system denotes a commitment to high-performance and sustainable operational practices, balancing the dual objectives of speed and sustainability.

ZeroPoint Technologies
SDRAM Controller
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