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Xiphera Ltd

Xiphera Ltd is a pioneering semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) provider specializing in the design and implementation of advanced security solutions for embedded systems. Operating primarily in Finland, Xiphera focuses on cryptographic IP cores that are optimized for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Their product suite covers a broad range of cryptographic needs including symmetric and asymmetric encryption, post-quantum cryptography, and security protocols, ensuring data security from core functions up to scalable solutions. With their in-house developed IP cores, Xiphera delivers robust security solutions that are compliant with industry standards, allowing customers to focus on core operations with the assurance of high-level security safeguarding their assets. The versatility within their product range accommodates varying requirements, such as minimizing digital logic usage or maximizing throughput for performance-intensive applications, thus supporting a diverse set of industry needs. Xiphera's expertise in cryptography and digital system design enables them to offer not just core products but also design services and consultations, ensuring the deployment of tailored solutions that address specific market and customer needs. Their trusted cryptographic solutions have positioned Xiphera as a strong partner for businesses aiming to secure their digital environments against both current and emerging threats, including those posed by the advent of quantum computing. Read more

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xQlave Post-Quantum Cryptography

xQlave is designed to withstand the future capabilities of quantum computing by offering secure implementations of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. It features the ML-KEM (Kyber) for key encapsulation and ML-DSA (Dilithium) for digital signatures. These cryptographic solutions are based on NIST-standardized algorithms which are created to thwart quantum computer attacks. With a focus on small resource footprint, maximal performance, or optimal balance, this product ensures secure key exchanges and digital signatures in post-quantum environments. The xQlave family not only offers quantum-resilient security but also embraces hybrid models, combining classical cryptography with quantum-resistant algorithms to enhance current security protocols gradually. xQlave is particularly suited to systems needing future-proof security solutions as quantum threats become more tangible, providing a safeguard for today’s encryption methodologies by integrating seamlessly with existing infrastructure.

Xiphera Ltd
All Foundries
Cryptography Cores
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nQrux Hardware Trust Engines

The nQrux family provides robust, hardware-level security services that isolate cryptographic operations directly within hardware. Designed for critical applications, nQrux encompasses customisable solutions adaptable to various FPGA and ASIC architectures. This optimised configuration covers essential cryptographic services crucial for data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity. Its Crypto Module acts as an integral security platform for microcontroller and SoC implementations, while the Confidential Computing Engine (CCE) safeguards data, code execution, and AI models across cloud and edge environments. By performing all cryptographic operations entirely in hardware, nQrux removes dependencies on CPU or software layers, consequently bolstering security and performance. The nQrux portfolio exemplifies Xiphera's commitment to delivering tailored security solutions compliant with trusted standards, ensuring seamless integration and robust protection of sensitive information in critical operational settings.

Xiphera Ltd
Embedded Security Modules
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Security Protocols

Xiphera's Security Protocols portfolio integrates secure communication technologies such as MACsec, IPsec, and TLS 1.3, designed to protect data transmission over various communication links. With a hardware-optimized approach, these protocols provide a highly secure environment by significantly reducing potential vulnerabilities compared to software-based solutions. MACsec ensures point-to-point encryption and authentication at the data link layer, employing AES-GCM for secure communication. IPsec offers encryption for IP-based data transfers, crucial for secure Internet connections, including VPNs. TLS 1.3 supports session security, facilitating encrypted web transactions and robust machine-to-machine communications. These protocols, engineered entirely in hardware, enable high performance and scalability in protecting sensitive data across diverse sectors, from financial transactions to secure data centers, leveraging the compact and robust design of Xiphera's IP cores.

Xiphera Ltd
Security Protocol Accelerators
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