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VLSI Plus Ltd.

VLSI Plus Ltd., a specialized engineering firm, excels in offering expert consulting services across the entire spectrum of VLSI design. Their aim is to deliver fully integrated IP cores that seamlessly assimilate into their clients' VLSI products. The company stands out by providing IP cores that adhere to MIPIĀ® standards, ensuring high compatibility and efficiency in design implementations. Their approach is rooted in tailoring solutions to meet the diverse needs of customers, demonstrating a commitment to excellence within the semiconductor industry. With a focus on providing a comprehensive suite of engineering services, VLSI Plus caters to the intricate needs of the VLSI community. Their dedication to addressing complex design challenges is evident in their specialized offerings, which are both vast and versatile. Whether seeking enhancements in VLSI design or integrating cutting-edge IP cores, VLSI Plus is equipped to support a wide array of technological advancements. VLSI Plus's strategic emphasis on creating compliant and robust IP products demonstrates their prowess in the sector. By continually refining their processes and expanding their capabilities, they maintain a stronghold in delivering high-performance solutions to meet the evolving demands of the digital age. Read more

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The MIPITM SVTPlus-8L-F is an 8-lane serial video transmitter also engineered for FPGA uses. This transmitter aligns with CSI2 rev 2.0 and DPHY rev 1.2 standards, providing a throughput of 12Gbps. It supports high-performance video transmission with robust reliability and ease of integration. This IP solution is capable of handling multiple virtual channels, making it well-suited for applications that require high bandwidth and efficient data transfer mechanisms.

VLSI Plus Ltd.
All Foundries
Peripheral Controller
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Designed to handle high-volume video data, the MIPITM SVRPlus2500 is a versatile 4-lane video receiver. It supports the CSI2 rev 2.0 and DPHY rev 1.2 standards, ensuring seamless integration and performance. The module is tailored for easy timing closure, featuring PRBS support and offering 4, 8, or 16 output pixels per clock. With its 1:16 input deserializers per lane and the capability for handling 16 virtual channels, it provides significant adaptability for modern video processing needs, operating efficiently at 4 x 2.5Gbps.

VLSI Plus Ltd.
All Foundries
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The MIPITM SVRPlus-8L-F is an advanced 8-lane, second-generation serial video receiver designed specifically for FPGA implementations. It supports CSI2 rev 2.0 and DPHY rev 1.2 standards, ensuring high compatibility and performance. With a capacity for 16 virtual channels and 4 pixels output per clock, it facilitates sophisticated video data handling. The receiver also includes features like calibration support and communication error statistics, which enhance its precision and reliability. Operating at up to 12Gbps, it is an ideal choice for high-speed video applications.

VLSI Plus Ltd.
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Specially designed for image processing, the MIPITM V-NLM-01 is a Non-Local Mean (NLM) image noise reduction hard core. It boasts a parameterized search-window size and customizable bits per pixel, ensuring efficient noise reduction. The core is optimized to deliver high-definition video outputs, such as HDMI up to 2048x1080 resolution, and handles frame rates from 30 to 60 fps. With its sophisticated architecture, the core provides an efficient solution to minimizing image noise, making it a valuable component for quality-critical applications in multimedia and graphic design.

VLSI Plus Ltd.
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Image Conversion
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The MIPITM CSI2MUX-A1F serves as an effective CSI2 Video Multiplexor, compliant with CSI2 rev 1.3 and DPHY rev 1.2 standards. This IP core can accommodate inputs from up to four CSI2 cameras and output a single, aggregated CSI2 video stream, performing at 4 x 1.5Gbps. Ideal for applications requiring the convergence of multiple video streams into one, this multiplexor supports high data rates to ensure cohesive and synchronized video outputs, optimizing efficiency in digital video processing environments.

VLSI Plus Ltd.
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Audio Controller
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The MIPITM SVTPlus2500 is a 4-lane video transmitter robustly constructed for efficient video data transfer, adhering to the CSI2 rev 2.0 and DPHY rev 1.2 specifications. Notably, it features programmable timing parameters and PRBS support, accommodating 8 or 16 pixel inputs per clock. This transmitter is built for low clock ratings to facilitate simplified timing requirements, and can manage up to 16 virtual channels along with four streams each at 2.5Gbps, ensuring enhanced flexibility in a range of video applications.

VLSI Plus Ltd.
All Foundries
Peripheral Controller
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