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Truechip Solutions

Truechip Solutions is a semiconductor IP provider known for its expertise in delivering high-quality verification and silicon IP products. The company's flagship offering, Verification IPs (VIPs), is well-regarded for its comprehensive support of numerous industry-standard protocols. These IPs are designed to ensure seamless component integration across various ASIC/FPGA and SoC environments. Truechip focuses on maintaining full compliance with standard specifications, while facilitating easy integration through plug-and-play interfaces, thus optimizing design cycles without sacrificing quality or efficiency. The NoC Silicon IP product line from Truechip provides an efficient framework for chip designers, enabling the connection of multiple protocol-supportive devices with minimal latency, power usage, and space. The NoC offerings feature native Verilog implementation and are packaged with extensive test environments and customizable licensing options to meet varied customer demands. Truechip's specialization in cache coherency and interconnect resource optimization emphasizes their commitment to enhancing chip architecture efficiency. In addition to these core offerings, Truechip delivers automation products for robust performance analysis across IP/SoC platforms. Their focus extends to system integration, with tools designed for sub-system verification and enhancing design productivity. The company's dedication to quality and customer support is further reflected in their tailored training programs aimed at accelerating skills development in verification and design techniques. Truechip's outsourcing services enhance their portfolio, offering customized verification IP solutions and front-end design services including architecture design, RTL design, and comprehensive system verification processes. This integration of services emphasizes Truechip's role as a versatile partner in the semiconductor design and verification landscape, with a footprint that reaches across North America, Europe, and Asia. Read more

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IPs available

NoC Mesh Silicon IP

Truechip's NoC Mesh Silicon IP provides a robust interconnect framework designed to support a multitude of protocols and offers flexible configurations for master and slave ports. It features a complex network topology with layered and parallel NoC support, enhancing chip interconnectivity by minimizing latency, power consumption, and area use. Utilizing a native Verilog architecture, the NoC Mesh IP is meticulously verified using comprehensive regression test suites, ensuring code quality and coverage. Users benefit from a consistent interface across all IP blocks, with easy integration facilitated by GUI-based configuration tools and extensive documentation. The IP supports diverse protocols, including AMBA AXI, AHB, and APB, with customizable memory maps and protocol interfaces. Additional features include deadlock avoidance guarantees, configurable data channels, clock gating, and QoS support, aligning the NoC Mesh IP for efficient utilization in complex ASIC and SoC designs.

Truechip Solutions
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Verification IP

Truechip offers an extensive range of Verification IPs (VIPs) that streamline the verification process for components interfacing with industry-standard protocols. The VIPs are engineered to be fully compliant with specifications, with a plug-and-play feature that reduces the design cycle time. These high-quality IPs incorporate elements such as Coverage, Assertions, BFMs, Monitors, Scoreboard, and Test Cases, providing robust error-injection scenarios ensuring exhaustive stress testing of devices under test (DUTs). The architecture of Truechip's VIPs is rooted in native SystemVerilog, optimized for efficient resource use. The IPs are highly configurable, allowing users complete control over functionality to suit their specific needs. Additionally, they come with comprehensive user documentation and support for formal and dynamic verification methods, including emulation. Truechip's VIPs are designed to work with leading dynamic and formal verification simulators, offering extensive compatibility across platforms, with specialized support for emulation and acceleration techniques. They also provide an intuitive debugging interface with the TruEYE GUI, enhancing the ease of integration and verification cycle time.

Truechip Solutions
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NoC Coherent Crossbar Silicon IP

The NoC Coherent Crossbar IP from Truechip delivers an efficient interconnect solution that supports multi-protocol devices with minimal latency and optimal power and area usage. The IP integrates hardware cache coherency to ensure efficient data management and reduced interconnect resource utilization within the chip. Packaged in native Verilog, the IP ensures full code coverage and quality assurance through extensive regression testing. It provides a straightforward interface for integration and configuration through a user-friendly GUI tool and comes with extensive documentation for seamless adoption. The IP supports a variety of protocols such as AMBA CHI and AXI, with both full and non-coherent node configurations. Other features include configurable arbitration modes, clock gating, and support for both little and big endianness, making this IP suitable for complex chip designs requiring flexible data interfacing and management solutions.

Truechip Solutions
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NoC Crossbar Silicon IP

Truechip's NoC Crossbar IP is designed to facilitate efficient chip interconnectivity by reducing latency, optimizing power use, and minimizing chip area. This IP includes a hardware cache coherency feature alongside software cache maintenance capabilities, aimed at reducing interconnecting wires and enhancing resource efficiency within chips. Available in native Verilog, the NoC Crossbar IP ensures comprehensive test coverage through cleaned-up linting, synthesis, and CDC/RDC processes. Each IP is rigorously verified by experts using detailed regression test suites, ensuring reliability. The IP's integration is simplified with a GUI tool, accompanied by detailed documentation and unique licensing models. Key features include support for a range of protocols such as AMBA AXI, AHB, and APB, with configurable memory maps for diverse memory region access. The IP supports variable data widths and includes mechanisms for early response and interrupt generation, arbitration modes, and clock gating. These features ensure that the NoC Crossbar IP is a valuable asset for both ASIC and SoC environments.

Truechip Solutions
All Foundries
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