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Thalia Design Automation

Thalia Design Automation is a renowned semiconductor IP provider specializing in streamlining the migration and optimization of analog, mixed-signal, and RF intellectual property designs. Established in the United Kingdom, they offer cutting-edge solutions that leverage advanced automation and AI technologies to significantly reduce the complexities and costs associated with IP design transitions. Their software suite, AMALIA, integrates a range of tools engineered to accelerate the design cycle, allowing companies to swiftly adapt their products to new technologies and market demands. At the core of Thalia's offerings is their commitment to providing innovative IP reuse strategies that facilitate business growth while ensuring resource efficiency and market competitiveness. Developed to cater to the intricate needs of semiconductor industries, Thalia's tools promote seamless IP migration, enhancing both speed and accuracy. The AMALIA suite, their flagship product, encompasses various specialized modules like Technology Analyzer, Circuit Porting, Design Enabler, and Layout Automation. Each component of this suite delivers unique capabilities aimed at maximizing the potential of existing IP assets while fostering the exploration of new technology nodes. As a forward-thinking company, Thalia engages robustly with its customer base to understand evolving IP challenges and provide tailored solutions that meet specific business objectives. Their effective deployment of automation in IP management exemplifies their dedication to innovation, making them a highly sought-after partner for fabless semiconductor companies, IP vendors, and design houses looking to achieve operational excellence and strategic advantage in a competitive industry. Read more

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Technology Analyzer

The Technology Analyzer (TA) tool is the cornerstone of the AMALIA suite, designed to deliver precise and accelerated analysis of process technologies. By offering a clear depiction of device behavior across various tech platforms, TA is instrumental in identifying potential challenges in analog, mixed-signal, and RF IP migration. It automates the analysis of starting and target technologies, resulting in reduced manual efforts and streamlined migration processes. With an intuitive graphical interface, the TA simplifies data extraction and analysis, enhancing accuracy and efficiency. It supports industry-standard simulations to ensure all essential parameters are met. Comprehensive reports highlight differences and compare waveforms, providing clear insights into technology variances and similarities. TA's ability to preemptively identify IP reuse issues is pivotal in maintaining device integrity across technological boundaries. As the first step towards successful IP migration within the AMALIA suite, the Technology Analyzer is an invaluable tool for any semiconductor enterprise aiming to transition its IP efficiently and cost-effectively. Its predictive analytics foster informed decision-making, optimizing both technological assessments and project budgets.

Thalia Design Automation
Analog Front Ends
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Circuit Porting

Circuit Porting (CP) is an essential element of the AMALIA suite, providing a robust solution for transferring complex IP designs across different process nodes with precision. This tool guarantees that the majority of analog, mixed-signal, and RF IP structures preserve their inherent parameters without modifications during migration. CP is renowned for shrinking design cycle times by up to 50%, making it ideal for time-sensitive projects. Its user-centric interface ensures that even intricate circuits can be migrated swiftly and without hassle. By maintaining the original schematic placement and design plan, CP ensures reliability and integrity throughout the transition. The intelligent interface provides automatic routing that minimizes layout discrepancies, and simultaneous comparison functionalities secure the functional equivalence of migrated designs. By integrating seamlessly with the Technology Analyzer, CP offers an unparalleled porting experience, navigating design migrations with decreased risk and elevated efficiency. The return on investment is maximized by reducing unresolved layout issues, ensuring project timelines and budgets are efficiently managed.

Thalia Design Automation
Analog Front Ends
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Layout Automation

AMALIA's Layout Automation (LA) module offers a powerful, verification-driven tool for streamlining design layouts to maintain consistency and compliance post-migration. LA focuses on integrating verified design data into layouts, preserving the integrity established during the design phase. This application automates routine layout tasks, reducing manual interventions and increasing accuracy in placement and design adherence. By leveraging verified data for floorplan management, LA upholds the structural consistency of the design while ensuring it meets critical design rules and industry standards through automated DRC checks. The intuitive interface caters to designers' needs by aligning with standard EDA tools, allowing for a cohesive design experience from inception to manufacturing readiness. Through efficient and reliable automation, LA empowers semiconductor companies to deliver optimized layouts swiftly, facilitating timely project completion and market entry.

Thalia Design Automation
All Foundries
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Design Enabler

The Design Enabler (DE) from the AMALIA suite provides vital post-migration design optimization using advanced AI for fine-tuning. In scenarios where technology analysis and porting processes are insufficient in meeting desired design constraints, DE steps in to ensure optimal compliance and performance. By utilizing AI algorithms, it swiftly identifies and adjusts critical devices, thereby cutting down on time-to-optimization. This tool supports the simultaneous centering of multiple testbenches, allowing designs to meet user-specified performance criteria. The DE fosters an interactive environment, enabling designers to prioritize objectives like power efficiency or reduced area. DE integrates seamlessly with familiar EDA tools to offer comprehensive PVT analysis, ensuring robust design performance across varying corners. This adaptability makes it indispensable for semiconductor developers who need to refine their designs post-migration with precision and less reliance on iterative procedures.

Thalia Design Automation
All Foundries
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