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TAKUMI Corporation

TAKUMI Corporation is a pioneering force in the semiconductor IP industry, offering cutting-edge solutions that seamlessly integrate advanced technologies. With a focus on delivering high-performance graphics processing units (GPUs) and image warping solutions, TAKUMI is poised to enhance the capabilities of embedded systems across a range of applications. The company prides itself on a robust track record of over a hundred million shipments in commercial silicon, underscoring its reliability and expertise in the field. TAKUMI’s innovative ethos is centered on creating technologies that are both human and environment-friendly, continually adding new values and staying appreciated by the wider society. In their pursuit of enriching the digital network society, TAKUMI employs a distinctive blend of diversified talents and technological masterpieces. Their hardware IP products are specifically tailored for embedded systems, providing a mix of high performance, minimal power consumption, and reduced CPU demand, making them ideal for use in digital cameras and in-car devices. This commitment to excellence is reflected in their wide array of offerings, which cater to various sectors, including automotive, consumer electronics, and virtual reality. Through their dedicated design services, TAKUMI extends their expertise to support system design and development for clients. This service is backed by their extensive experience and technical prowess, ensuring tailored and proficient outcomes for complex system requirements. As they continue to innovate, TAKUMI remains a trusted partner in advancing technology solutions that are inherently sustainable and forward-thinking. Read more

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The GSHARK series of GPU IPs is designed to deliver high-performance graphics solutions with exceptional power efficiency and minimal CPU load. This suite of IP cores is tailored for embedded systems, such as digital cameras and in-car devices, and is backed by a proven track record of reliability with over a hundred million units shipped globally. The architecture of GSHARK seamlessly integrates high-performance GPU capabilities with low power consumption, making it an ideal choice for rendering graphics in real-time on embedded devices. This integration allows for enhanced graphical experiences, comparable to those on PCs and other high-end devices, enabling rich user interfaces and human-machine interactions that are both dynamic and sophisticated.

TAKUMI Corporation
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The TW330 Image Warping IP core leverages advanced GPU processing technology to perform complex coordinate transformations, distortion corrections, scaling, and rotation up to a resolution of 16K x 16K. This IP is geared towards applications requiring real-time image processing and distortion correction, making it a perfect fit for digital cameras, HUDs, and VR applications. Its capabilities in handling RGB and YUV formats ensure adaptability across different visual processing needs, providing precise, on-the-fly adjustments in various imaging scenarios.

TAKUMI Corporation
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Graphics & Video Modules
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GV380 is a highly advanced 2D vector graphics GPU IP that enhances pixel performance while minimizing CPU load. Conforming to the OpenVG 1.1 standards, this GPU IP is part of the Gen 4 family and is specifically optimized for vector processing in embedded systems. With its refined architecture, GV380 supports sophisticated graphics applications, delivering seamless rendering efficiency suited for devices requiring robust graphic displays. This GPU IP offers a competitive edge by ensuring smooth and efficient processing capabilities, enabling high-quality visual outputs across diverse application scenarios.

TAKUMI Corporation
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The GV580 IP core combines robust 2D and 3D rendering functionalities within a single IP, adhering to OpenVG 1.1 and OpenGLES 1.1 standards. This feature-rich GPU IP core is engineered to deliver high graphic performance with low power usage and minimal CPU engagement. It is ideal for developers seeking a comprehensive solution for advanced multimedia applications in embedded systems. By merging vector and 3D processing, GV580 facilitates versatile and dynamic graphical rendering, enabling efficient processing of complex graphics with high fidelity and efficiency.

TAKUMI Corporation
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Designed for on-the-fly image processing, the TW220/240 Image Warping IP cores focus on distortion corrections, scaling, and rotation tasks. Supporting resolutions up to 4K x 4K, these IP cores are ideal for use in a variety of digital and automotive imaging systems where precise image alignment is critical. By accommodating both RGB and YUV formats, the TW220/240 facilitate efficient processing of visual data in complex systems, ensuring clarity and accuracy in image display across diverse devices.

TAKUMI Corporation
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Graphics & Video Modules
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GH310 is a high-performance 2D sprite graphics GPU IP designed to optimize pixel processing while maintaining a minimal gate count. This IP core is crafted to deliver superior graphics performance with reduced resource consumption, making it highly suitable for sprite graphics applications in a range of embedded devices. GH310's advanced processing architecture supports smooth and responsive graphics manipulation, critical for systems where efficient and speedy rendering is essential.

TAKUMI Corporation
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GSV3100 stands as a shader architecture type 3D GPU IP that amalgamates OpenGL ES 2.0 and 1.1 along with OpenVG 1.1 hardware processing pipelines. This comprehensive support extends the applicability of GSV3100 in sophisticated graphics rendering tasks requiring shader processing capabilities. Structured to meet diverse graphics demands, the GSV3100 supports an array of modern applications where high-definition, real-time processing is crucial. Known for its flexibility and performance, this GPU IP is perfect for graphics-intensive products that require resilient and adaptive graphical solutions.

TAKUMI Corporation
All Foundries
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