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Siliconally GmbH

Siliconally GmbH is a pioneering force in the field of semiconductor IP, offering cutting-edge solutions designed to enhance communication safety in various sophisticated systems. With a vision to revolutionize safe communication, Siliconally has developed proprietary technologies like SafeIP™, which sets a new benchmark for fail-safe operational communication. The company's innovations are especially crucial for sectors such as autonomous mobility, heavy industry, and aerospace, where communication efficacy can mitigate disaster risks governed by industry safety standards like ISO 26262 and ISO 61508. Operating from Europe's largest microelectronics hub in Germany, Siliconally capitalizes on its location to offer state-of-the-art engineering solutions. Siliconally's SafeIP™ technology is reshaping the communication landscape within automotive and other sectors by offering unprecedented real-time communication safety. This innovation ensures systems not only react faster to potential failures but do so with minimal power consumption and heat emissions, thereby enhancing overall efficiency. Siliconally's technology enables rapid backup operations and swift transitions between operational modes, a feature that is essential in preventing potential damages or disasters in safety-critical processes. At the core of Siliconally's offerings is their integrated PHY IP solutions, which include Single PHY, Dual PHY, and Triple PHY. These are tailored for modern communication requirements adhering to IEEE 802.3 standards, ensuring compatibility and heightened safety in communication networks. By leveraging the GlobalFoundries 22FDX platform, Siliconally provides high-performance, low-voltage, and ultra-low leakage capabilities that are ideal for the dynamic needs of the automotive market. Their products support both fail-safe and fail-operational architectures that significantly bolster the robust design of a client's safety mechanisms. Embracing an agile development approach, Siliconally continually pushes the envelope of innovation. By fostering self-responsibility and self-organization within their teams, they ensure that every solution is not only cutting-edge but also meets the highest standards of safety and reliability. This commitment resonates through their products, which are designed to integrate seamlessly into various technologies, complete with comprehensive design views and quality assurance documentation for ease of customer integration. Read more

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IPs available

SafeIP™ DualPHY

SafeIP™ DualPHY by Siliconally is a groundbreaking development in the field of safe communication technology. Expanding on the robustness of the 100/1000BASE-T1 standards within the IEEE 802.3 framework, the DualPHY offers a dual-layered approach to ensuring communication safety. It is engineered to operate swiftly and reliably even in the most critical of conditions, making it a vital component in fail-safe and fail-operational communication architectures in sectors like automotive, heavy industries, and aerospace. Built to meet the unique demands of autonomous systems, DualPHY provides rapid detection and response capabilities to avert potential mishaps. Its state-of-the-art design ensures a seamless blending of standard automotive Ethernet functionality with advanced safety features, marking a significant leap in communication technology. By utilizing the GlobalFoundries 22FDX platform, DualPHY benefits from superior computational power while optimizing for lower power consumption and minimal leakage. DualPHY embodies Siliconally's commitment to integrating unrivaled safety measures within its infrastructure. It not only excels in conventional communication tasks but raises the bar for industry standards with its agility and reliability, promising smoother transitions across operational modes and offering extensive support for safety-critical system applications.

Siliconally GmbH
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SafeIP™ SinglePHY

The SafeIP™ SinglePHY offers a robust and revolutionary approach to enhancing safety in communication technologies. Building upon the IEEE 802.3 standard, this solution stands out due to its unique patented features which redefine communication safety. Designed specifically for safe automotive Ethernet applications, SinglePHY ensures rapid communication even in potentially hazardous scenarios while maintaining seamless integration with standard PHYs. Its development on the GlobalFoundries 22FDX platform points to a focus on high-performance computation and optimal safety performance, while accommodating ultra-low leakage and reduced power demands. By leveraging fast response times, SinglePHY is pivotal in providing reliable real-time solutions for a myriad of demanding environments such as automotive, aerospace, and industrial settings. It serves as a cornerstone for data integrity where milliseconds can prevent catastrophic failures. The IP offers unparalleled speed in failure detection and reaction, thus promising an improved safety standard in automated systems. Siliconally’s SinglePHY also serves as a testimony to their commitment to innovation in fail-safe architectures, providing critical preventive measures embedded within its infrastructure. The flexibility of this IP is further enhanced by its ability to be ported to various node technologies without compromising its core safety features.

Siliconally GmbH
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SafeIP™ TriplePHY

Designed for the most demanding and diverse automotive and industrial environments, SafeIP™ TriplePHY pushes the boundaries of communication safety and reliability. As with other Siliconally IPs, it conforms to IEEE 802.3 standards but stands uniquely distinguished by its triple interface approach which provides enhanced robustness and redundancy. This makes it especially essential for applications requiring extensive communication capabilities paired with maximum safety standards. TriplePHY's design ensures ultra-responsive performance, swiftly reacting to failures and maintaining continuous operation—integral for systems that cannot afford downtime. Its implementation on the versatile GlobalFoundries 22FDX platform assures state-of-the-art compute capabilities, reduced energy consumption, and remarkably low leakage. Siliconally’s agile engineering processes ensure that TriplePHY remains progressive, catering to ever-evolving industry demands without sacrificing its renowned safety features. Through TriplePHY, Siliconally demonstrates an unwavering commitment to providing IP solutions that not only meet but exceed the safety expectations of complex systems. Their assurance in quality and reliability bolstered by rigorous design and proven technology makes this IP an invaluable asset for organizations prioritizing communication safety alongside performance.

Siliconally GmbH
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