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Secantec, Inc.

Secantec, Inc. is an innovative player in the semiconductor IP industry, dedicated to advancing the field with its cutting-edge designs and technologies. As a stealth mode startup, the company places a significant emphasis on research and development, ensuring that its offerings are robust and meet the high demands of modern technological applications. With a focus on error correction codes and encryption technologies, Secantec stands out as a leader in providing solutions for data integrity and security issues critical in today's digital world. At its core, Secantec offers a range of sophisticated IP products that cater to various domains such as communications, data storage, and high-performance computing. The company's portfolio showcases expertise in error correcting codes like Reed Solomon and BCH, crucial for correcting data transmission errors. Additionally, its AES encryption technologies enhance data security, protecting sensitive information from breaches. These offerings reflect Secantec's commitment to delivering only top-quality and reliable IP solutions, integral to improving the performance and resilience of numerous electronic devices. Secantec further broadens its scope with expertise in fault-tolerant designs, crucial for applications in environments where data integrity and system reliability are paramount. By focusing on innovative solutions that prevent and correct errors in data, Secantec helps its customers ensure continuous system operation even in harsh conditions. This dedication to reliability and integrity makes the company a trustworthy partner for clients looking to elevate their technology stacks with resilient IP solutions. Moreover, by leveraging state-of-the-art technology and methodologies, Secantec ensures that all of its products align with the latest industry standards and requirements. The combination of advanced engineering, attention to detail, and a customer-focused approach underpins Secantec's position as an influential player in the semiconductor sector, poised for continued growth and success. Read more

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IPs available

BCH Error Correcting Code ECC

The BCH Error Correcting Code ECC is an advanced system for error detection and correction, employing sophisticated Galois Field techniques. With this IP, encoding and decoding are executed asynchronously, ensuring zero latency. Engineered for scenarios demanding low power and minimal hardware usage, it uses gate-level logic without relying on stochastic processes or clocked sequences. Configurability is a highlight of the BCH ECC, with end-users able to determine parameters related to the number of errors correctable and specific code attributes like bit shortness. This flexibility allows it to handle varying error rates, adapting to different system requirements. Such properties make it a preferred choice for systems where adaptability is key, particularly in storage solutions or sensitive communications. The applications span a variety of fields, from high-speed optical communications and SSD controllers to in-situ memory repair in ASIC architectures. The ability to predict uncorrectable errors further enhances system reliability, making the BCH ECC indispensable in maintaining high data integrity across broad technology ecosystems.

Secantec, Inc.
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Cryptography Cores
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Reed Solomon Error Correcting Code ECC

Reed Solomon Error Correcting Code ECC is a powerful tool designed to maintain data integrity across storage and transmission systems. Its encoding and decoding processes are entirely asynchronous, allowing operations with zero latency, critical in environments where speed is of essence. By leveraging the deep math behind Galois Fields, this IP code provides robust mechanisms for correcting multiple symbol errors, making it essential for scenarios plagued by high error rates. An attractive feature of this code is its complete configurability, enabling users to set various parameters such as the maximum count of correctable errors or the bit length of encoded symbols. Supporting multiple error correction and detection thresholds, the Reed Solomon ECC adapts to the varying demands of data-driven technologies, from communication error correction in datacenters to robust data recovery solutions in RAID systems. Applications benefiting from this IP include digital data storage systems, high-speed communication lines, and any electronic infrastructure where data integrity is paramount. Its reliability in correcting complex error patterns ensures seamless data processing, supporting the demand for consistency and accuracy in modern digital environments.

Secantec, Inc.
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Cryptography Cores
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AES Encrypt/Decrypt 128/192/256

The AES Encrypt/Decrypt IP provides advanced encryption and decryption capabilities for secure communications. This IP module supports 128, 192, and 256 bit encryption standards, ensuring a high level of data protection suitable for many sensitive applications. Leveraging Galois Field computations, the module achieves both high performance and low power consumption characteristics. What sets this AES IP apart is its parallel key calculation and data encryption process. By running key computations simultaneously with data operations, it significantly reduces the number of required clock cycles, thus enhancing efficiency. This parallel design applies equally to both encryption and decryption operations, making it highly efficient for systems where time and resource management are critical. Designed for ease of integration, the IP runs fully verified RTL code and is delivered clean and ready for deployment. Applications demanding high security, such as financial transactions and secure communications, benefit greatly from its robust encryption capabilities, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.

Secantec, Inc.
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Cryptography Cores
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Hamming Code ECC

The Hamming Code ECC is an asynchronous error correction system capable of correcting a single bit error and detecting two-bit errors in communications. This IP is highly effective for protecting data in static memories like SRAMs and ROMs, making it ideal for use in ASIC and FPGA deployments. With a design that does not require clocks or iterative feedback within the pipeline, the IP reflects a focus on minimizing system complexity while delivering effective error correction. A key feature of this ECC IP is its configurability, allowing adjustments to the number of message bits requiring error correction protection. Once configured, the system relies on asynchronous design principles with no dependence on RAMs, ROMs, or flip-flops within its RTL structure. The encoder fortifies message bits with ECC bits while decoder operations efficiently manage correction processes, signaling uncorrectable errors where applicable. This IP is particularly suited for environments demanding high reliability such as memory modules in embedded systems, where it plays a critical role in maintaining data integrity. The Hamming Code ECC ensures system operators have robust mechanisms for catching and addressing errors effectively, optimizing memory performance across various applications in the field of digital electronics.

Secantec, Inc.
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SDRAM Controller
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Galois Error Correcting Code

Galois Error Correcting Code leverages Galois Field operations to provide efficient error correction capabilities. This code is integral in maintaining data accuracy across communication channels, particularly where errors are more likely due to noise. By employing Galois Field mathematics, the IP performs complex data redundancy operations to both identify and amend erroneous values within transmitted or stored data. The code is designed to support operations that are inherently asynchronous, with no need for clock cycles, making it suitable for high-speed applications where latency can be a critical bottleneck. The design eliminates the use of traditional feedback loops, further optimizing data throughput by ensuring that operations proceed seamlessly without interruptions. These properties make it an ideal choice for use in systems susceptible to data corruption, especially those requiring rapid recovery and minimal resource consumption. In practical applications, the Galois Error Correcting Code excels in sectors like telecommunications and data-heavy environments where maintaining data integrity can be challenging due to the constant threats posed by electromagnetic interference and other noise sources. Its ability to manage and correct multiple bit errors ensures robust protection for data transmission across various multi-range communication links.

Secantec, Inc.
All Foundries
Cryptography Cores
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Reed Solomon Erasure Code

Reed Solomon Erasure Code offers a sophisticated approach to error correction, particularly ideal for RAID configurations and fault-tolerant systems. Engineered to operate asynchronously, this IP utilizes non-clock-dependent logic, achieving efficient data correction without introducing latency. By employing a symbol-based approach, each typified by the degree of a primitive polynomial, the system effectively manages error detection and correction processes crucial in environments facing high data integrity challenges. This IP is adept in configuring for specific use cases, allowing adjustments that determine the number of erasure corrections achievable, as well as the length of each symbol within data streams. Separate encoder pathways offer precision handling for each operation, alongside shared decoder circuits capable of simultaneous multi-symbol recovery, making it a versatile choice for systems where flexibility and fault tolerance are crucial. Applications for the Reed Solomon Erasure Code span from data protection strategies in large scale storage systems to ensuring stable data throughput in communication channels prone to noise. Its architecture makes it a vital component in datacenters and other infrastructures where predictable and error-resilient data management is a priority.

Secantec, Inc.
All Foundries
Cryptography Cores
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