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Roa Logic BV

Roa Logic BV specializes in providing IP solutions for both FPGA and ASIC developments. Their IP is highly optimized and ensures flexibility, supporting wide-scale employment in electronic designs. As a noteworthy feature, Roa Logic's offerings are silicon proven, promising reliability and efficient integration capabilities. They offer robust IP accompanied by comprehensive testbenches and thorough documentation, which facilitates ease of implementation and contributes to their strong reputation in the semiconductor industry. Their IP products are available for various applications, supporting commercial and non-commercial projects alike. Non-commercial users benefit from a multitude of downloadable IP from Roa Logic's GitHub repository. However, for those seeking commercial licenses or specific customizations, Roa Logic's detailed engagement ensures that all client needs are uniquely addressed, offering design services that are customizable to project specifications and unique requirements. Roa Logic actively participates in industry events to showcase its advances and innovations, emphasizing their role in advancing technology and supporting the embedded market with their high-quality RISC-V CPU architectures among other offerings. The company ensures GDPR compliance as highlighted in past privacy policy updates, underscoring their commitment to data security and ethical practice in their business operations. Read more

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The APB4 GPIO core is a highly configurable module designed to provide numerous general-purpose input-output (GPIO) lines that can be customized to suit a designer's specific needs. It supports bidirectional data transfer, thereby enhancing the flexibility and adaptability of any electronic design. This GPIO core facilitates interaction among various subsystems in a comprehensive layout, ensuring smooth data exchange and integration. It is perfect for designs that require extensive input/output options, notably in embedded and external interface applications. Engineered for reliability, the APB4 GPIO is accompanied by detailed documentation, allowing for swift integration and customization. Its flexibility makes it suitable for both ASIC and FPGA systems, providing essential I/O capabilities that empower advanced design undertakings.

Roa Logic BV
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Input/Output Controller
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AHB-Lite APB4 Bridge

The AHB-Lite APB4 Bridge serves as a parameterized interconnect that facilitates communication between two bus protocols, AMBA 3 AHB-Lite and AMBA APB. The bridge expertly manages protocol conversion, ensuring that data can flow seamlessly between different system components, a critical feature in contemporary embedded architectures. This IP core allows multiple devices to communicate smoothly, enhancing system efficiency by leveraging the strengths of each protocol. The design caters to a variety of implementations, making it suited for both small-scale and complex systems requiring robust interconnect solutions. Development support is fortified with full testbench packages that assist in seamless IP integration. Ideal for interfaces in microcontroller and SoC designs, the AHB-Lite APB4 Bridge provides the flexibility necessary for diverse applications. Its customizability ensures it can meet specific project demands, underscoring its role in evolving design considerations within ASIC and FPGA frameworks. As with other Roa Logic IP, thorough documentation facilitates straightforward adoption and adaptation.

Roa Logic BV
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APB4 Multiplexer

The APB4 Multiplexer IP allows a single APB4 Master to engage with numerous APB4 Slave peripherals via a unified bus, enhancing versatility in peripheral interactions within a system. The multiplexer harmonizes multiple communication lines, ensuring data integrity and operational efficiency. Engineered for seamless integration, it simplifies the development process for systems requiring multiple peripheral components. The IP is highly effective for designing microcontroller units and other embedded systems demanding precise, reliable data handling capabilities. Incorporating this multiplexer assesses and optimizes data communication pathways to minimize bottlenecks. It embodies Roa Logic's commitment to flexible, scalable solutions that adapt to the evolving requirements of complex electronic projects.

Roa Logic BV
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AHB-Lite Memory

The AHB-Lite Memory IP is a fully parameterized component that provides high-performance on-chip memory access to an AHB-Lite-based master. This IP facilitates the seamless integration of on-chip memory in systems requiring efficient data storage solutions. Designed for scalability, this memory IP can be configured to suit varied memory requirements, making it suitable for several application areas. Its architecture ensures that data transfers occur with utmost speed and reliability, essential for time-critical applications in demanding environments. Aided by Roa Logic's detailed documentation and support, integration of the AHB-Lite Memory is streamlined, ensuring it complements an array of system architectures. This IP empowers designers to tailor memory configurations to their specific needs, optimizing performance across both FPGA and ASIC development platforms.

Roa Logic BV
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Embedded Memories
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The Platform-Level Interrupt Controller (PLIC) is a fully compliant and configurable unit designed to align with RISC-V standards. This interrupt controller allows efficient management and handling of interrupts in a system, making it essential for constructing sophisticated processor designs. Its parametric nature means it can be tailored to fit various application needs, maximizing system performance and resource management. PLIC is adaptable and integrates seamlessly within a RISC-V processor-based environment. It facilitates the prioritization and servicing of interrupts, a critical requirement in multitasking and real-time system operations. Its configurability ensures that it can cater to both simple and complex requirements inherent in embedded systems. Developed to support leading-edge design implementations, the PLIC enables developers to maintain fine-grain control over system interrupts. Its readiness for deployment in both FPGA and ASIC environments underscores its flexibility, positioning it as a foundational element for RISC-V based systems. Comprehensive documentation accompanies the IP, aiding developers in the integration process.

Roa Logic BV
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Content Protection Software
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8b/10 Decoder

The 8b/10 Decoder offers full implementation of the Widmer and Franaszek scheme, ensuring reliable data decoding and synchronization. It can identify special character delimiters and detect specific K28.5 characters, essential for maintaining data integrity in communication systems. This IP is engineered for robust corrective capabilities in environments requiring meticulous error checking and correction. Offering seamless compatibility with various data streams, it forms an integral part of systems demanding high reliability and precision. With Roa Logic's decoder integrated, the prospects for achieving high-performance data communications in industry-standard frameworks broaden. The documentation supplied supports straightforward adoption and customization, aligning with the strategic design needs within RISC-V-based systems.

Roa Logic BV
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Error Correction/Detection
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RV12 RISC-V Processor

Crafted for the embedded market, the RV12 RISC-V Processor is a flexible, single-core CPU that adheres to the RV32I and RV64I specifications of the RISC-V instruction set. It supports a Harvard architecture, fostering simultaneous access to instruction and data memories, enhancing computational efficiency. Known for its adaptability, it can be configured to meet diverse processor needs in embedded applications. As part of the 32/64-bit CPU family, the RV12 processor is designed to offer an open-source pathway for projects needing a dependable processing unit. Its adherence to a standard instruction set ensures broad compatibility and ease of integration into various technological setups. The processor is accompanied by extensive documentation and testbenches, ensuring robust implementation capabilities. Supporting both FPGA and ASIC deployments, the RV12 is an ideal candidate for developers looking to harness the benefits of RISC-V's open-source ecosystem. The processor's design focus is centered on maximizing performance while maintaining low power consumption, making it a popular choice for modern embedded applications.

Roa Logic BV
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Processor Cores
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AHB-Lite Multilayer Switch

The AHB-Lite Multilayer Switch is an advanced IP that acts as an interconnect fabric designed to ensure low latency and high performance in bus communications. Supporting a potentially unlimited number of bus masters and slaves, it excels in systems where dynamic data routing is critical for performance. This switch is ideal for complex system-on-chip (SoC) implementations where multiple components require fast data sharing. It is flexible, parameterized, and optimized for scalability, allowing designers to create custom configurations that meet unique bandwidth and clustering requirements. Roa Logic ensures the switch is suitable for both ASIC and FPGA technologies, thus broadening its adaptable application scope. Beyond its technical features, the IP comes with comprehensive documentation and test support, which eases its integration into existing or new systems. It's valuable for projects that must handle extensive data transactions efficiently, ensuring reliable performance even in demanding environments.

Roa Logic BV
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AHB-Lite Timer

Compliant with the RISC-V Privileged 1.9.1 specification, the AHB-Lite Timer IP offers precise timing solutions needed for various time-sensitive applications. Designed with flexibility in mind, this module provides the necessary timing controls pivotal for reliable system performance. Ideal for systems that rely on periodic task executions and concurrent processing operations, this timer module ensures accurate timing services. It accommodates diverse timer configurations, meeting the distinct requirements prevalent in modern embedded designs. Providing superior synchronization capabilities, the AHB-Lite Timer is adaptable across broad FPGA and ASIC designs. Comprehensive manuals and implementation guides offered by Roa Logic further simplify its integration, aligning with the evolving demands of sophisticated timing functions in electronics projects.

Roa Logic BV
All Foundries
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