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Racyics GmbH

Headquartered in Dresden, Germany, Racyics GmbH is a leading provider of semiconductor IP solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of design services and products. Their expertise lies in custom digital, analog, and mixed-signal components, optimized for seamless integration into complex System-on-Chip (SoC) designs. With a strong focus on ultra-low power operation, Racyics develops components that meet the critical requirements of modern electronic systems. Their commitment to innovation is evident in their research projects and partnerships, positioning them at the forefront of cutting-edge semiconductor technology development. By offering foundry access, turnkey solutions, and packaging services, Racyics supports its clients through every phase of product development, from design to delivery. Read more

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ABX Platform

The ABX Platform leverages the innovative Adaptive Body Biasing (ABB) technology for enhanced ultra-low voltage (ULV) operations. It adjusts transistor threshold voltages post-silicon, ensuring high performance and reliability across varying process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) conditions. Specially designed for automotive applications, it can significantly reduce power leakage, improving efficiency up to 76% under challenging operational conditions. The platform offers unrivaled performance at reduced power requirements, enabling advanced applications in realms demanding high reliability and efficiency.

Racyics GmbH
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