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Omni Design Technologies

Omni Design Technologies is a pioneering enterprise in the semiconductor IP sector, renowned for its commitment to delivering high-quality, efficient, and innovative analog and mixed-signal products. The company provides a suite of cutting-edge IP solutions that cater to the diverse needs of industries such as communications, automotive, aerospace, artificial intelligence, and more. With a strong focus on innovation, Omni Design Technologies thrives on developing IP cores that significantly enhance the performance of high-demand applications like 5G, Software Defined Radio (SDR), and image sensors. Their technology paves the way for the creation of integrated solutions that are not only powerful but also efficient, ensuring lower energy consumption and higher performance ratios across a range of industries. By leveraging their patented Swift™ technology, Omni Design has pushed the boundaries in data conversion technology, facilitating the seamless integration into SoCs and other complex systems. Read more

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IPs available

Analog to Digital Converter IP

The Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) IP offerings from Omni Design are tailored for high-speed, ultra-low-power applications across multiple advanced sectors. These ADC IPs, leveraging Omni's trademark Swift™ technology, are engineered for use in cutting-edge domains such as 5G networks, automotive Ethernet, and RADAR and LiDAR systems. They provide a wide resolution range from 6 to 14 bits and support sample rates from as low as 5 MS/s to over 100 GS/s. These features make them highly versatile, suitable for high-performance communication systems which demand minimal spurious frequency components and optimal spectral clarity. Designed for seamless integration, these ADCs include built-in calibration and can work efficiently across a variety of process nodes from 28 nm to advanced FinFET technologies, supporting multiple configurations like I/Q ADCs or multi-channel arrays. With a compact footprint and robust integration capabilities, these IPs facilitate premium performance while ensuring the minimalistic spatial footprint, a crucial requirement in modern digital signal processing operations.

Omni Design Technologies
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A/D Converter
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Specialty IP

Omni Design's Specialty IP encompasses a range of innovative solutions tailored for niche applications across advanced technological fields such as wireless communications, automotive technologies, and imaging systems. This series includes unique IP offerings like glitch detection, latch-up detection, and high-performance clock receiver solutions, all vital for enhancing the robustness and precision of complex circuitry. Additionally, it presents sophisticated voltage buffers and programable gain amplifiers which contribute to optimizing signal chains in dynamic operations. Advanced process nodes from 28nm to the latest FinFET technologies support these IPs, highlighting their adaptability and integration compatibility with cutting-edge design needs. These technologies play a crucial role in ensuring the scalability and sustainability of advanced systems, especially in high-performance communication landscapes which require heightened accuracy and efficiency across extensive operational bandwidths.

Omni Design Technologies
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Analog Subsystems
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Application Specific AFE IP

Omni Design's Application-Specific Analog Front End (AFE) IPs are engineered to address the unique demands of sectors requiring refined precision in RF/analog interfaces. These AFEs incorporate top-tier data conversion capabilities combined with finely-tuned signal conditioning elements, aiming to elevate system performance in applications such as LiDAR, RADAR, and telecommunication networks. Available from 28nm up to the most advanced FinFET processes, these solutions are fully adaptable to diverse front-end technologies and use cases. Engineered to utilize Omni's leading Swift™ data converters, these AFEs warrant high-frequency adaptability and low power usage to maximize efficiency and throughput. Their design means they are well-suited for high-performance electronics where seamless data flow from analog to digital domains is a priority, ensuring high accuracy in signal processing and reducing overall system energy demands.

Omni Design Technologies
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Analog Front Ends
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Linear Regulators & Bandgap Reference IP

Omni Design's suite of Linear Regulators and Bandgap Reference IP provides reliable and efficient power management solutions essential for high-speed electronics. These IP cores, tailored for process nodes ranging from advanced FinFET to 28nm, deliver outstanding transient responses and PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio) performance while maintaining low noise levels, crucial for stabilising high-speed data converter applications. The internally compensated LDO IP comes equipped with an integrated pass transistor and is stable with on-chip capacitance up to 1nF, while externally compensated variants require external capacitance for stability. Notably, these reference IP blocks utilize proprietary architectures that guarantee high PSRR across broad bandwidths, significantly benefitting the efficiency of power supply systems without the need for extensive calibration. With their seamless integration capabilities, these IP blocks complement Omni's ADCs and DACs, providing a foundational aspect of their comprehensive performance offerings.

Omni Design Technologies
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DC-DC Converter
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Digital to Analog Converter IP

Omni Design's Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) IP solutions are celebrated for their high performance and low power consumption, critical in fields such as advanced communications and active image systems like RADAR and LiDAR. Employing a unique architecture that significantly curtails harmonic and intermodulation distortions, these DACs ensure high linearity across wide bandwidths. Offering resolutions ranging from 6 to 16 bits and update rates reaching upwards of 100 GSa/s, these converters are capable of handling demanding signal processing tasks with precision and reliability. Built with integrated calibration systems, they adjust dynamically to both static and dynamic conditions, optimizing output fidelity and reducing noise. These DACs feature a differential output current range from 5mA to 20mA and are available across a spectrum of advanced process nodes including 28nm and beyond. Through patented enhancements that ensure high output linearity and bandwidth management, Omni Design's DACs are ideal for applications necessitating both precision and speed.

Omni Design Technologies
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D/A Converter
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OmniTRUST™ PVT Monitor IP

The OmniTRUST™ Process, Voltage, and Temperature (PVT) Monitor IP by Omni Design Technologies sets a standard for chip reliability and performance optimization in modern electronic systems. These monitors are critical for real-time detection and mitigation of process variation, thermal changes, and voltage fluctuation. Operating over a comprehensive temperature range from -40°C to 150°C, these PVT monitors achieve remarkable temperature detection accuracy and offer differential and single-ended voltage monitoring within a ±1.8V range. The embedded process monitors provide insights into PMOS and NMOS variations, facilitating adaptive management of core and I/O devices. Using negligible power, these monitoring units remain optimal throughout standby and active operations, supporting dynamic voltage and thermal management applications. Their intrinsic value lies in upholding system reliability and efficiency, making them indispensable for autonomous and sensitive electronic applications requiring robust performance under varying environmental conditions.

Omni Design Technologies
All Foundries
Temperature Sensor
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