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Next Silicon

Next Silicon is an innovative deep tech startup focused on revolutionizing the high-performance computing (HPC) landscape. With headquarters in Tel Aviv and regional offices in Europe and the US, Next Silicon is at the forefront of developing a next-generation compute platform, uniquely leveraging advanced software algorithms to dynamically reconfigure hardware in real-time. Their mission is to deliver effortless acceleration right out of the box, freeing users from the complexities of software porting and allowing them to experience unprecedented performance from the moment of deployment. The company is trailblazing a new era where the traditional boundaries between hardware and software are blurred. This is achieved through intelligent, adaptive algorithms that adjust the hardware depending on the needs of the application or workload at hand. Their pioneering chip showcase a symbiosis between these two realms, enabling unmatched adaptability and performance for all HPC applications. Next Silicon's flagship product, Maverick, embodies this approach, providing a versatile computing solution compatible with a multitude of scientific applications. By focusing on learning and accelerating only the critical hotspots of applications, Maverick ensures high performance without the hassle of manual intervention or code changes. This approach not only enhances computational efficiency but does so with minimal energy consumption and reduced operational costs, making it a greener solution for demanding scientific tasks. Read more

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Maverick Adaptive Accelerator

Maverick is a groundbreaking adaptive acceleration platform designed specifically for the high demands of high-performance computing (HPC). At its core, it features sophisticated software algorithms that autonomously adjust the hardware configuration to better fit the specific requirements of your application or workload. This dynamic adaptability results in efficient and high-performance operations right out of the box, eliminating the need for complex software porting. Set on a standard PCIe card, Maverick's intelligence lies in its capacity to transform into a workload-specific ASIC during runtime, thanks to its unique architectural design. With distributed HBM memory access, it pushes the boundaries of performance, executing tasks that typical processors struggle with. The innovative design, paired with the real-time learning abilities of its algorithms, ensures that the chip consistently delivers optimal utilization and acceleration across diverse tasks. Maverick introduces the concept of 'mill core' optimization, where the hardware is fine-tuned in intricate detail to support specific HPC applications. This allows for the running of numerous threads or processes concurrently, effectively harnessing the full potential of available computational resources. All this technological prowess ensures that each application enjoys best-in-class acceleration, maximizing both performance and efficiency autonomously.

Next Silicon
Processor Core Independent
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