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New Wave Design

New Wave Design is at the forefront of providing cutting-edge solutions in high-performance embedded computing, particularly in FPGA technologies. The company offers a specialized range of tailored solutions for mission-critical applications, emphasizing the importance of precision and reliability. Through expert collaboration with clients, New Wave Design ensures that their technical solutions perfectly align with the specific demands of aerospace, defense, and high-speed networking sectors. Their expertise spans across FPGA coprocessing, high-speed serial interface hardware, and IP cores, all integrated into advanced system-level products like SOSA aligned/openVPX systems. New Wave Design's commitment to addressing demanding technical and environmental challenges is evidenced by their reputation for technical mastery and customer-focused innovations. The company prides itself on creating solutions that not only meet but often exceed client expectations, particularly within military and aerospace markets. By prioritizing flexibility and customization, New Wave Design supports diverse industry needs, offering products and services that promote efficiency and high-quality outcomes. Furthermore, New Wave Design provides comprehensive hardware design services. These services encompass everything from architectural design and PCB layout to rigorous testing, using languages such as VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog. The company's methodological approach integrates thorough verification processes to ensure successful implementation across FPGA and ASIC projects, reaffirming their role as a dependable partner in the tech industry. Based in Minnesota, New Wave Design and Verification, LLC, operates with a global perspective, leveraging their engineering expertise to bring about innovative solutions for today's technological challenges. Their steadfast focus on quality and customer satisfaction supports their ongoing mission to enhance the performance and reliability of mission-critical systems. Read more

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IPs available

ARINC 818 Direct Memory Access (DMA) IP Core

The ARINC 818 Direct Memory Access (DMA) IP Core provides a comprehensive hardware IP solution for seamless data receipt and transmission within embedded systems. Designed with embedded applications in mind, it automates the complexities of formatting, timing, and buffer management of the ARINC 818 link. By integrating this core, developers can streamline system architecture, enhancing the efficiency and performance of mission-critical aerospace systems. Incorporating the ARINC 818 DMA Core ensures optimized data management processes that facilitate high-speed data handling and real-time processing. By offloading critical protocol management to the IP core, it reduces resource usage and frees up system capacity for other processes, promoting efficiency. The core's designed to meet stringent aerospace standards, providing reliable and deterministic data transfers. Its robust automation capabilities make it ideal for scenarios where precision and accuracy are non-negotiable, essential for maintaining operational integrity in complex systems.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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Mil1394 AS5643 Link Layer Controller IP Core

The Mil1394 AS5643 Link Layer Controller IP Core provides a complete hardware-based implementation of the AS5643 protocol, critical for high-speed aerospace networking applications. This core encompasses label lookup capabilities, DMA controllers, and message chain engines, essential for maintaining precise data flow and communication in avionics systems. Its F-35 compatible interface mode makes it a strategic choice for integrating advanced military systems. With this IP core, systems benefit from reduced latency and increased reliability, ensuring consistent communication across various network nodes. By offloading significant networking tasks to the hardware level, the Mil1394 Link Layer Core enables efficient processing and robust data management, crucial for developing responsive aerospace communication networks. The integration of the Mil1394 AS5643 IP Core streamlines protocol processing, facilitating robust network operations with minimal overhead. Its engineering enhances data integrity and synchronization, supporting rigorous aerospace requirements for both current and future mission-critical applications.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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Ethernet Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) IP Core

The Ethernet Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) IP Core is designed to serve high-performance data exchange needs through efficient real-time communication protocols. It provides a complete hardware IP solution for the Ethernet RTPS protocol, fundamental for applications demanding low latency and high throughput like defense and aerospace sectors. This core facilitates streamlined communication processes, enabling effective data publication and subscription across extensive network architectures. By supporting real-time data exchanges, the RTPS Core enhances system responsiveness and operational efficiency, ensuring that mission-critical data is precisely disseminated and received. Engineered with industry compliance in mind, the Ethernet RTPS Core supports seamless integration with existing infrastructures, optimizing network resources for better data handling. It is particularly useful for applications where continuous data flow and immediate response times are critical, ensuring advancements in network communication technology.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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Serial Front Panel Data Port (sFPDP) IP Core

The Serial Front Panel Data Port (sFPDP) IP Core offers a full hardware implementation of the ANSI/VITA 17.1-2015 specification, perfect for achieving maximum bandwidth in high-data environments. This IP Core supports full-bandwidth operations and integrates easily with frame interfaces, making it indispensable in communication and radar systems that demand low latency and high throughput. Designed to support comprehensive data management, the sFPDP Core enables seamless data exchange for high-speed communications. It promotes real-time signal processing by reducing latency and improving synchronization amongst system components, crucial in demanding aerospace operations. With the sFPDP Core, developers can enhance system architectures, integrating extensive data transfer capabilities with minimal effort. Ensuring reliable data flow and adherence to stringent data standards, it is suitable for diverse mission-critical applications that rely on consistent data communication and analysis.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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FC Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) IP Core

The FC Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) IP Core delivers a hardware-based network stack implementation for FC-AE-RDMA or FC-AV protocols, designed to enable efficient data transfers and message handling in advanced communication systems. Equipped with features like buffer mapping, DMA controllers, and message chain engines, this core enhances the functionality of high-speed networking in demanding aerospace applications. Efficient handling of data-rich applications is a key attribute of this IP core, as it supports seamless integration in systems requiring superior data management. Designed with F-18 and F-15 compatibility, the FC ULP Core promotes robust communication channels, ensuring precision and accuracy necessary for mission-critical operations. By deploying the FC ULP Core, users can harness advanced networking, gaining the capacity to manage elevated data loads and complex message sequences. This core stands as a pivotal addition to any aerospace or defense communication setup, facilitating rapid, reliable data exchanges across interconnected systems.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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Mil1394 GP2Lynx Link Layer Controller IP Core

The Mil1394 GP2Lynx Link Layer Controller IP provides a hardware-based implementation of the Mil1394 GP2Lynx protocol, crucial for seamless aerospace communication. This core ensures reliable data exchanges with its standard PHY-Link interface, supporting efficient message and control transmissions in systems where high-speed connectivity is essential. This IP core is designed for systems requiring stringent data integrity and communication precision. Its robust architecture handles high data load effectively, catering to the demands of complex aerospace and defense environments. With a focus on minimizing transmission delays, the Mil1394 GP2Lynx Core supports synchronized operations within networked components, ensuring performance optimization. By integrating the Mil1394 GP2Lynx Link Layer Core, developers can enhance system capabilities, facilitating improved data transfer processes and bolstering network resilience. This advancement in communication infrastructure stands essential in applications requiring consistent, real-time data handling and efficient protocol management.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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ARINC 818 Streaming IP Core

The ARINC 818 Streaming IP Core transforms pixel bus data into an ARINC 818 formatted Fibre Channel serial data stream, or vice versa, enhancing real-time data streaming capabilities within aerospace systems. This core is crucial for ensuring efficient data integration across avionics, where maintaining data integrity and synchronization is paramount. By supporting high-bandwidth data transfers, the ARINC 818 Core facilitates seamless integration of video and sensor data, empowering enhanced situational awareness and system responsiveness. The ARINC 818 IP Core is equipped to handle extensive data demands, accommodating formats that optimize data management and reduce latency. Its robust architecture allows real-time data streaming, minimizing interruptions and ensuring continuous data flow across system components. For developers, the ARINC 818 Streaming IP Core offers flexibility and efficiency, supporting rigorous aerospace requirements with reliability. By streamlining the conversion processes, it establishes a reliable backbone for communication and data sharing, making it indispensable in high-performance avionics contexts.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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FC Anonymous Subscriber Messaging (ASM) IP Core

Providing a comprehensive implementation for FC-AE-ASM, the FC Anonymous Subscriber Messaging (ASM) IP Core integrates seamlessly into communication systems, supporting advanced avionics and defense operations. With functionality that includes hardware-based label lookup and DMA controllers, this core ensures efficient data handling and message routing. Built for the rigors of aerospace requirements, the ASM IP Core offers a robust framework for synchronized and reliable data exchanges between multiple nodes. Its F-35 compatible interface facilitates integration into high-performance platforms, promoting operational clarity and system-wide communication. The ASM Core optimizes data management and reduces latency, significantly improving the speed and reliability of communications across challenging environments. As integral components in critical systems, these capabilities guarantee sustained performance and enhanced data management throughout operational lifecycles.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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FC Link Layer (LL) IP Core

The FC Link Layer (LL) IP Core provides a comprehensive IP solution tasked with managing FC-1 and FC-2 layers, integral to the seamless operation of high-performance aerospace networking infrastructure. Its provisions allow for robust and efficient data link operations that are critical in time-sensitive and secure communication systems. This IP core is engineered to support diverse data management needs, serving as a pivotal element in enhancing network architecture's reliability and speed. With dedicated hardware capability, users can achieve significant throughput improvements necessary for complex communication networks. Deploying the FC LL Core ensures that all high-speed networking requirements are met, fostering consistent, accurate data exchanges across military and aviation systems. Its ability to process complex protocol stacks makes it highly suitable for demanding environments, crucial in maintaining connectivity and system integrity.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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High Speed Data Bus (HSDB) IP Core

The High Speed Data Bus (HSDB) IP Core delivers a comprehensive physical and MAC layer hardware implementation, crucial for modern aerospace applications. Featuring an easy-to-integrate frame interface, the HSDB IP Core is designed to be fully compatible with F-22 interface standards. It enables seamless high-speed data transmissions, pivotal for advanced radar and communication systems, ensuring real-time data processing where quick response is essential. In the realm of mission-critical applications, the HSDB IP Core provides reliable and deterministic data transfer capabilities. By offloading the data processing to the hardware layer, it enhances system responsiveness and reduces latency across the network. This core is engineered to support rigorous system demands, delivering consistent performance in diverse operational scenarios. Designed for flexibility and scalability, the HSDB IP Core can be tailored to meet specific requirements, whether in existing systems or new deployments. Its robust architecture ensures effective communication across various nodes, making it an indispensable component in sophisticated aerospace technologies.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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HOTLink II IP Core

The HOTLink II IP Core offers a comprehensive layer 2 implementation for HSI, tailored to meet the demands of cutting-edge aerospace communication systems. The core is designed to facilitate full-rate, half-rate, and quarter-rate operations as per industry standards, ensuring robust and flexible high-speed data transfers. The integration of this core into systems supports F-18 compatibility, marking it as a critical component in systems that require real-time signal processing and synchronization. Beyond its operational versatility, the HOTLink II IP Core excels in providing a streamlined integration process. It supports a straightforward frame interface, allowing for quick deployment into existing architectures. This capability is vital in enhancing the data management capabilities of communication networks, ensuring seamless transitions of high-volume data across the systems. By leveraging the HOTLink II IP Core, developers in aerospace sectors can achieve heightened data throughput and efficient network utilization. This core represents a balance of high-performance and ease of integration, tailored to facilitate modern data exchange requirements in challenging environments.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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Mil1394 OHCI Link Layer Controller IP Core

The Mil1394 OHCI Link Layer Controller IP Core offers an advanced hardware implementation of IEEE-1394 protocols suited for aerospace applications. This core includes a standard PHY-Link interface along with an AXI bus, providing a streamlined connection for PCIe or embedded processor interfaces. Such features are vital for developing rapid communication frameworks within modern avionics and military systems. Deployment of the Mil1394 OHCI Core facilitates high-integrity data transfers, meeting complex system demands through an efficient and secure architecture. By integrating this IP core, developers can achieve robust system connectivity and compliance with established industry standards, enhancing communication performance and operational efficiency. Particularly, the Mil1394 OHCI Core's ability to offload networking tasks extends system capabilities in handling greater bandwidth with reduced processing lag. Its meticulous design ensures compatibility and smooth operability within mission-critical environments, driving forward technological capabilities in aerospace industries.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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1394b PHY IP Core

The 1394b PHY IP Core addresses the physical layer requirements for AS5643 implementations, supporting expansive aerospace and defense systems. Designed with a standard PHY-Link interface, this core enhances reliable high-speed data exchanges and system compatibility, facilitating complex communication infrastructures. Leveraging this IP Core, developers gain the ability to integrate robust transmission capabilities within new or existing architectures. Its design reduces latency and ensures precise signal management, essential for maintaining the integrity of time-sensitive data exchanges in avionics and defense networks. Featuring scalability and adaptability, the 1394b PHY Core can accommodate various communication scenarios, empowering developers to deploy solutions that meet evolving technological and regulatory standards. By supporting streamlined connectivity, this core plays a significant role in advancing aerospace and defense communications, ensuring effective and resilient high-speed data exchanges.

New Wave Design
All Foundries
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