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NetTimeLogic GmbH

Founded in 2015, NetTimeLogic GmbH offers top-tier solutions in synchronization, network redundancy, and time-sensitive networking, specifically tailored for embedded systems. The company is renowned for its FPGA vendor-independent time synchronization capabilities, promising Swiss-engineering quality, precision, and reliability. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, NetTimeLogic focuses on providing specialized engineering services that meet the distinct demands of industries worldwide, emphasizing high-quality solutions delivered on time. With an impressive portfolio, NetTimeLogic delivers comprehensive time and frequency synchronization services, offering robust solutions such as PTP, NTP, PPS, IRIG, GPS, and DCF cores. They also specialize in network redundancy with HSR and PRP protocols and provide diverse TSN products. Notably, their commitment to innovation is reflected in cutting-edge products like a PPS Master with 1ns accuracy and a SyncE Node for advanced frame handling. In addition to their products, NetTimeLogic extends its expertise through design services in FPGA and embedded software development. With over 15 years of experience, their certified professionals ensure that each design meets the highest standards of efficiency and innovation. Their approach guarantees clients not only a superior product but also a collaborative process that encourages industry advancement. Read more

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NTP Products

Positioned as a robust alternative to traditional time synchronization methods, NetTimeLogic's NTP Products offer remarkable enhancements, including full IPv6 support. These IP cores are designed to deliver network time protocol services that fulfill stringent real-time operational demands. Engineered to operate on minimal FPGA resources, the NTP solutions ensure synchronization accuracy across distributed systems, making them ideal for sectors that rely heavily on coordinated timing. Additionally, their ease of configurability through NetTimeLogic's intuitive tools simplifies deployment and ongoing management.

NetTimeLogic GmbH
All Foundries
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PPS Products

NetTimeLogic's PPS Products offer precise pulse per second timing capabilities crucial for high-precision timekeeping and synchronization tasks. These IP cores facilitate signal generation and timestamping with remarkable 1ns accuracy, a leap forward facilitated by innovative technologies like their newly developed PPS Master and Signal Generator cores. Whether used in tandem with SyncE for synchronization to external frequencies or standalone in synchronization networks, these products ensure dependable and precise timing suitable for various critical applications, from telecommunications to scientific measurement.

NetTimeLogic GmbH
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PTP Products

The PTP Products from NetTimeLogic are engineered for precision time protocol synchronization, essential for applications requiring exact timing accuracy. These IP cores are configured to provide high granularity timing, operating efficiently within low footprint FPGA environments. With capabilities like full hardware PTP Client and Server prototypes, these products align with the FlashPTP specification from Meinberg, indicating a forward-compatible pathway with emerging synchronization standards such as CSPTP. Moreover, their hardware implementations ensure predictable and low-latency synchronization performance, crucial for high-demand networking infrastructures.

NetTimeLogic GmbH
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