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MosChip Technologies Limited

MosChip Technologies Limited is a well-established semiconductor and system design services company, recognized for its innovative solutions across the globe. Based in the Silicon Valley of the USA, with a significant presence in Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Pune, MosChip leverages strategic locations to advance the semiconductor industry. Their commitment to delivering creative and competitive electronic solutions is evident in their diverse operations spanning from chip design to system level applications. The company prides itself on maintaining an ISO 9001:2015 certified Quality Management System, ensuring that every product and service offered meets the rigorous standards expected from a leader in technology. MosChip's experienced team works tirelessly to drive advancements in semiconductor design, utilizing cutting-edge technology and a deep understanding of industry protocols to create high-performance, reliable semiconductor IPs. By aligning with prominent industry standards and maintaining key partnerships, MosChip remains at the forefront of the semiconductor landscape. They offer a wide range of services including digital IP development, mixed-signal designs, and customized IPs tailored to unique customer needs. Overall, MosChip stands out for its robust product lineup and exceptional customer support infrastructure, which underpins their status as a trusted semiconductor IP provider. Read more

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IPs available

Ethernet 10/100 MAC

The Ethernet 10/100 MAC provided by MosChip adheres to the IEEE802.3 standard, offering seamless connectivity between the host subsystem and the Media Independent Interface (MII). Designed to enhance CPU efficiency, this module includes DMA functionalities that automate data transfers, ensuring that the CPU can focus on more critical tasks. Moreover, it incorporates a Transaction Layer Interface (TLI), which bridges the DMA controller with a 10/100 Ethernet controller using buffers that optimize data throughput. Engineered for robust performance, this MAC system integrates multiple DMA and TLI components to proficiently handle data packets. The comprehensive design effectively manages both transmission and reception processes, leveraging FIFO buffers to streamline these functions further. By enhancing network communication significantly, this controller is ideal for systems requiring reliable data transfer over Ethernet networks. The flexible architecture supports varying data transfer environments, adapting to different operational needs with ease. With its advanced error-handling capabilities and compliance with established standards, this IP is essential for enhancing network functionalities and ensuring seamless integration in various computing environments.

MosChip Technologies Limited
All Foundries
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USB2.0 Host controller

MosChip's USB2.0 Host controller is meticulously designed for high-speed communications, interfacing between USB ports and a system's microprocessor. It complies with the EHCI and OHCI specifications, catering to diverse speed devices attached to the root port. This IP supports advanced Link Power Management features and provides flexible connectivity solutions in any data management system. By facilitating quick data transfers, the Host Controller becomes indispensable for systems requiring efficient management of multiple peripherals. The capability to interface with various system buses through a VCI interface ensures high adaptability and integration ease. Notably, its parallel operation with USB2.0 enables expansive device connectivity and streamlined control procedures. The implementation of a comprehensive power management system accentuates its proficiency in managing system resources effectively, minimizing power consumption while maintaining superior performance standards. Across different industries, this USB Host Controller remains a fundamental element for technology solutions needing reliable and versatile peripheral management.

MosChip Technologies Limited
All Foundries
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