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MEMS Vision

MEMS Vision specializes in innovative semiconductor solutions, particularly focusing on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology. The company is known for its advanced sensor products, which combine Silicon Carbide MEMS technology with impactful applications across various industries. Through continuous research and development, MEMS Vision aims to deliver highly reliable and accurate sensor products that meet the rigorous demands of industrial, consumer, medical, and automotive markets. Their product portfolio includes a vast array of sophisticated sensors designed to measure humidity, temperature, particulate matter, and more. By leveraging state-of-the-art technology, MEMS Vision ensures that each product offers precise measurements, extended durability, and is compact, making them perfect for integration into space-constrained consumer electronics or demanding industrial environments. Additionally, MEMS Vision supports customized applications by offering design flexibility, allowing their technologies to be adapted to very specific customer requirements. They are headquartered in Montreal, Canada, which is a hub for cutting-edge technology and innovation in North America. Read more

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MVPM100 Series Particulate Matter Sensors

The MVPM100 series of particulate matter sensors offer a compact and efficient solution for accurate air quality monitoring. Unlike traditional bulky systems, these sensors yield precise particle measurements by assessing the actual weight of particulate matter, thanks to cutting-edge microsystem technology. Engineered for various industrial, medical, and consumer environments, the sensors are famed for their small footprint, which doesn't compromise their ability to deliver accurate readings. Their low power demands make them particularly suitable for continuous monitoring scenarios, where extended battery life is desired. The MVPM100 sensors feature versatile connectivity options with I2C and UART interfaces, making them easy to deploy across different platforms. They are especially useful in applications necessitating air quality metrics or environments where constant air monitoring is critical to safety and functionality.

MEMS Vision
All Foundries
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MVDP2000 Series Differential Pressure Sensors

The MVDP2000 series is comprised of differential pressure sensors known for their sensitivity and stability, built on a proprietary capacitive sensing technology. These sensors are finely calibrated for both pressure and temperature, making them highly reliable for OEM applications that require fast response times and minimal power usage. These sensors are particularly suitable for portable devices and are applicable in various fields, such as medical diagnostics and HVAC systems, due to their small size and high precision. Their digital I2C interface allows for seamless integration into systems that require accurate pressure measurement. With a robust design and ability to operate efficiently across a range of temperatures, the MVDP2000 series stands out as a driver of innovation in fields that require precise pressure data. Designed for demanding environments, they promise to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the technologies they support.

MEMS Vision
All Foundries
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MVH4000 Series Humidity & Temperature Sensors

The MVH4000 series is a line of highly precise humidity and temperature sensors that offer robust performance and long-term stability due to their Silicon Carbide MEMS technology. These sensors are adept at providing quick and reliable data with minimal power usage, making them ideal for applications where battery conservation is crucial, such as in portable or remote devices. The sensors are fully calibrated and feature a small form factor, which is beneficial for integration into tight spaces, a key consideration in modern device design. They provide digital output via I2C interface and exhibit a wide operating temperature range, ensuring they remain functional under extreme conditions. These sensors are engineered to offer high accuracy and on-chip calibration that allows for plug-and-play use. Available in both digital and analog outputs, they also come with evaluation kits and modules to facilitate easy implementation across various projects.

MEMS Vision
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MVT4000D Series Digital Temperature Sensors

The MVT4000D series represents a range of digital temperature sensors designed to provide high accuracy and reliability. Based on MEMS Vision's proprietary Silicon Carbide technology, these sensors are built to withstand challenging environments and offer precise temperature readings with exceptional long-term stability. These sensors boast a very compact package, which is instrumental in conserving space on crowded PCBs, while also offering quick response times. The sensors' low power consumption makes them suitable for battery-operated devices, ensuring energy efficiency without compromising performance. With an emphasis on ease of use, the MVT4000D sensors are fully calibrated and support digital I2C interfacing, enabling straightforward integration into various electronics. They cater to a range of applications from consumer electronics to automotive and medical devices, delivering accurate temperature control across different industries.

MEMS Vision
Temperature Sensor
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MVUM1000 Ultrasound Sensor Array

The MVUM1000 is a state-of-the-art ultrasound sensor array designed for medical imaging applications. Its compact 256-element linear array structure utilizes capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducers (CMUT), allowing for seamless integration with interface electronics. Providing high sensitivity and low power consumption, this ultrasound array is ideal for precision medical diagnostics, supporting modern imaging modalities like time-of-flight and Doppler techniques. Its design prioritizes both functionality and energy efficiency, catering to the requirements of point-of-care and handheld ultrasound devices. The versatility of the MVUM1000 is further highlighted by its support for passive transducers, which are delivered with customizable bias voltages, ensuring compatibility with a range of existing medical diagnostic equipment. Engineered for robustness, the MVUM1000 is tailored for environments where high-resolution imaging and operational reliability are paramount.

MEMS Vision
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MVWS4000 Series Weather Station Sensors

The MVWS4000 series is an innovative line of digital sensors that deliver fast and accurate measurements of humidity, pressure, and temperature. Utilizing advanced Silicon Carbide technology, these sensors serve a critical role in applications where precise environmental data is paramount. Developed for use in demanding OEM solutions, these sensors capitalize on their ultra-low power consumption and high performance to support time-sensitive operations. They are ideal for battery-driven applications and are available in various accuracy grades to accommodate budgetary and technical requirements. The sensors incorporate a digital output format through I2C and SPI interfaces, facilitating easy integration. Their compact form and robust construction make the MVWS4000 series a versatile choice for installations ranging from industrial systems to medical devices and consumer electronics.

MEMS Vision
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