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Logic Fruit Technologies

Logic Fruit Technologies, based in India, has established itself as a pivotal provider of engineering solutions and consulting services in the embedded systems domain. With a commitment to delivering comprehensive product engineering services, the company offers end-to-end solutions that span from conceptual ideation to complete product realization. Over the years, they have achieved recognition in various sectors worldwide, owing to their adeptness in handling complex engineering challenges. The company's expertise encompasses a range of engineering domains including FPGA design, hardware design, and embedded software development. By integrating cutting-edge practices, Logic Fruit Technologies excels in addressing the needs of defense and aerospace, telecom, and artificial intelligence industries, among others. Their strong foothold in these sectors is further reinforced by a suite of sophisticated product offerings, such as real-time panorama generation systems and VNIR sensor processing electronics. At the heart of Logic Fruit Technologies is their strength in FPGA/RTL IP cores for various applications such as avionics and automotive. Furthermore, their product line includes scalable data acquisition systems and protocol converters, showcasing their ability to tailor solutions for specialized technical requirements. With an emphasis on innovation, the company continues to expand its service horizon to incorporate visionary technologies like 6G and AI-driven solutions, keeping pace with the evolving semiconductor landscape. Read more

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IPs available

ARINC 818 IP Core

The ARINC 818 IP Core is a crucial asset for avionic applications, enabling data transmission in compliance with ARINC 818-2 standards. This IP core streamlines the integration of video and data communication, enhancing interoperability in complex avionic environments. It supports high-speed data rates, ensuring efficient and reliable communication across devices. Additionally, the core’s design is optimized for seamless adaptation to emerging technologies, providing scalability for future modifications and upgrades.

Logic Fruit Technologies
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MIL1553B IP Core

The MIL1553B IP Core provides a comprehensive solution for military and avionics communication, adhering to the MIL-STD-1553B specification. This IP core is distinguished by its ability to support dual-redundant communication channels, ensuring uninterrupted data transmission in highly sensitive and critical applications. It facilitates secure and efficient data exchanges, making it indispensable in defense operations requiring reliability and precision. The core’s robustness is complemented by its adaptability to diverse system architectures, broadening its utility in various operational frameworks.

Logic Fruit Technologies
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ARINC 429 IP Core

The ARINC 429 IP Core is designed to facilitate communication in aviation systems by implementing the widely used ARINC 429 standard. Known for its robustness and reliability, this IP core enables the integration of diverse avionics devices, ensuring seamless data exchange. Its modular design allows easy configuration and alignment with specific project requirements, promoting flexibility across various platforms. This IP core is essential for avionic engineers looking to enhance communication efficiency and reliability in aircraft systems.

Logic Fruit Technologies
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CAN Controller IP Core

The CAN Controller IP Core excels in managing embedded communication within automotive and industrial environments, adhering to the CAN standard. This IP core provides dependable message transmission and error handling, optimizing performance in systems where reliability and efficiency are paramount. Its flexible architecture allows it to be integrated seamlessly across various applications, ensuring robust networking capabilities. With continuous development to improve its adaptability, this core supports modern demands for connectivity in complex systems.

Logic Fruit Technologies
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Flexray RTL IP Core

The Flexray RTL IP Core is engineered for automotive communication systems, delivering real-time data transmission capabilities essential for modern vehicular technologies. As an IP core supporting the Flexray protocol, it plays a pivotal role in enhancing communication reliability and speed within a car’s electronic network. Its ability to manage data intricacies and synchronize operations effectively makes it suitable for high-performance automotive applications, particularly in areas focused on vehicle safety and automated driving.

Logic Fruit Technologies
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