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LeWiz Communications, Inc.

LeWiz Communications is a technology leader focused on addressing the challenges of performance and security in the fields of communication, computing, and entertainment. The products offered by LeWiz are specifically crafted for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) who produce servers, storage solutions, and networking systems. The company's mission is to not only deliver powerful and high-performance products but also ensure they are cost-effective, providing customers with the best return on their investment. LeWiz's advanced technologies are tailored to overcome bottlenecks in these industries, facilitating seamless and efficient operations. At the core of LeWiz's offerings are solutions that are particularly beneficial for sectors requiring low latency, such as financial trading and video streaming. Their low-latency IP cores are engineered for enhanced performance, making them ideal for mission-critical applications. LeWiz also emphasizes network security, providing tools for the capture, analysis, and management of data. Additionally, they develop products compatible with Xilinx Zynq FPGA systems, highlighting their capability in supporting high-speed data processes up to 10Gbps. The company also engages in innovative projects related to programmable TOE (TCP Offload Engines) and channel-tunable multicast technologies. LeWiz's commitment to technological advancement is further demonstrated through its participation in various conferences and events, where they showcase their contributions to the industry, particularly in aerospace and defense applications. Their engagement in these areas indicates a significant role in developing time-sensitive networking solutions for aerospace and similar demanding environments. Read more

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Programmable TOE (TCP Offload Engine)

The Programmable TCP Offload Engine (TOE) from LeWiz is designed to enhance network performance by offloading TCP/IP processing tasks from the host CPU. This IP core allows servers and networking devices to handle data transmissions more efficiently while freeing up processor resources for other tasks. LeWiz's TOE is highly programmable, providing the flexibility for customizing network protocols and applications without compromising on performance. This capability ensures that enterprises can tailor the TOE to fit specific network requirements, thus optimizing the use of available network resources and enhancing data throughput. Engineered for robust multi-session handling, LeWiz's TOE is suited to environments where managing numerous simultaneous connections is necessary, such as data centers and cloud services. By significantly reducing CPU overhead associated with TCP/IP processing, the Programmable TOE increases data transfer efficiency, contributing to overall system performance enhancements.

LeWiz Communications, Inc.
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Low Latency IP Cores

LeWiz's Low Latency IP Cores are designed to meet the demanding needs of industries such as finance and high-frequency trading by minimizing delay in data processing. These IP cores ensure rapid data transmission and processing efficiency, which is critical in environments where timing is crucial. The technology is built to handle substantial data loads while maintaining low latency, making it suitable for systems that cannot afford delays. The Low Latency IP Cores are optimized to integrate seamlessly with existing server infrastructures, providing a smooth upgrade path for businesses aiming to enhance their operational performance. With these IP cores, clients can achieve faster data throughput and processing speeds, which are vital for staying competitive in fast-paced sectors. Furthermore, these IP cores are adaptable for a range of applications beyond just financial trading, including telecommunications and video streaming. They are engineered to provide a dynamic and robust solution that addresses latency issues while delivering consistent performance across different operational environments.

LeWiz Communications, Inc.
All Foundries
Processor Core Independent
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Xilinx Zynq FPGA Solutions

LeWiz offers innovative solutions leveraging the Xilinx Zynq FPGA architecture, providing a powerful combination of CPU and FPGA capabilities on a single platform. These solutions are geared towards applications that require high-speed data processing and intensive data workloads. By integrating FPGA capabilities, LeWiz's solutions enable highly parallel processing, making them ideal for scenarios where rapid data throughput is needed, such as video streaming and telecommunications. The adaptability of FPGAs allows for customization and precise tuning of functionalities to meet specific application demands, offering unmatched flexibility and performance enhancements. The synergy between the ARM processor and FPGA in these solutions ensures a balanced architecture that can efficiently handle complex tasks. LeWiz's expertise in FPGA deployment ensures high reliability and performance, crucial for industries such as aerospace and defense that demand advanced data processing and real-time responsiveness.

LeWiz Communications, Inc.
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