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KPIT Technologies

KPIT Technologies is a prominent global player in the automotive and mobility industries, known for its expertise in developing software-defined vehicles. This organization serves as an independent software development and integration partner, driving the industry towards a cleaner, smarter, and safer future. With a workforce of over 13,000 dedicated experts, KPIT is renowned for its proficiency in embedded software, artificial intelligence, and digital solutions, allowing it to accelerate the adoption of next-generation technologies for future mobility. Having established engineering centers in key regions including Europe, the USA, Japan, China, Thailand, and India, KPIT collaborates closely with leading automotive and mobility companies across the globe. The company plays a crucial role in nurturing transformation within the ecosystem, helping its clients to integrate cutting-edge tech into their vehicles. Its presence in regions where the industry is rapidly evolving underscores KPIT's commitment to leading the charge in automotive innovation. KPIT's product and solution range is extensive, covering pivotal areas such as autonomous driving, electric and conventional powertrains, connected vehicle solutions, integrated diagnostics and aftersales transformation, AUTOSAR, vehicle engineering and design, and digital connected solutions. These solutions are strategically designed to address the pressing demands of the automotive sector, focusing on enhanced interconnectivity, efficiency, and vehicle intelligence. As the industry continues to transition towards software-heavy vehicles, KPIT remains at the forefront, offering a suite of essential services to facilitate this shift. It continues to be a trusted partner for OEMs and Tier-1 automotive suppliers, providing essential insights and services needed to implement sustainable vehicle solutions in a rapidly changing technological landscape. Read more

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AUTOSAR & Adaptive AUTOSAR Solutions

KPIT's contributions to AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) are geared towards providing robust and scalable software platform solutions across vehicle electronics systems. Their AUTOSAR offerings span classic and adaptive platforms, which are pivotal in high-performance computing and real-time critical ECUs. Their KSAR Classic platform offers ASIL-D certified solutions that encompass base software stack needed for safety-critical applications, supporting a wide range of automotive applications with integrated configuration and code generation tools. Meanwhile, KSAR Adaptive introduces a service-oriented architecture suitable for high-compute environments, aligning with modern needs for flexibility and high performance. KPIT also extends software integration services that encompass over two decades of experience, providing domain-specific solutions that integrate seamlessly with their AUTOSAR stack. Such offerings are essential for ensuring system reliability, cybersecurity, and regulatory compliance, affirming the company's role as a leader in vehicle software architecture. The partnership with various OEMs and industry consortiums reinforces KPIT's influence and capabilities in establishing standardized software solutions across the automotive industry. Their commitment to sustaining and advancing AUTOSAR technology demonstrates a forward-thinking approach that keeps pace with evolving vehicular demands.

KPIT Technologies
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Connected Vehicle Solutions

KPIT Technologies offers sophisticated connected vehicle solutions that aim to bridge the gap between in-vehicle systems and the external digital ecosystem. These solutions enhance interaction, safety, and productivity for drivers by transforming vehicle cockpits into advanced digital platforms. KPIT's expertise in automotive infotainment, connectivity, and cloud integration services establishes it as a go-to partner for top-tier automotive OEMs and suppliers. The company provides well-researched platforms and tools that not only improve user experience but also offer innovative cockpit solutions that keep up with the fast-evolving digital consumer demands. KPIT's strength lies in its ability to integrate new technologies such as over-the-air (OTA) updates, cloud services, and data analytics seamlessly into automotive systems. The connected vehicle solutions include UI/UX development, digital cockpit components, and robust middleware for infotainment systems. By implementing cloud integration techniques and offering thorough support for OTA systems, KPIT ensures automotive systems are always up-to-date and functionally superior. KPIT's solutions have been widely adopted across millions of vehicles, underscoring the company's role in transforming the automotive landscape into one that is more digital, connected, and efficient. The firm's long-standing partnerships with OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers highlight the trust and reliability KPIT has earned in the automotive connectivity sector.

KPIT Technologies
Peripheral Controller
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Electric & Conventional Powertrain Solutions

KPIT's powertrain solutions cover both electric and conventional vehicles, facilitating a faster time-to-market for OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers by providing software platforms and accelerators for electric components. With over 15 years of experience, KPIT offers ready-to-use software for electric vehicle components that are compliant with industry standards such as AUTOSAR. The provided solutions include production-ready components for vehicle and energy management systems, battery management systems (BMS), and smart chargers. KPIT supports the entire development cycle from prototype to production, encompassing embedded system challenges and offering end-to-end validation options, including Software-in-the-Loop (SIL), Model-in-the-Loop (MIL), and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing. KPIT positions itself as a key partner through its strategic alliances and extensive expertise in control systems engineering. By addressing emerging needs in hybrid and electric domains, the company ensures compliance with global standards across multiple vehicle architectures. Additionally, KPIT's collaborative approach along with its partnerships with global leaders, facilitates innovations in electrified mobility, fostering advancements in electrification architecture while mitigating interoperability challenges.

KPIT Technologies
Mobile DDR Controller
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Digital Connected Solutions

KPIT's digital connected solutions offer an innovative framework for automotive companies aiming to leverage the vast possibilities of cloud and AI technologies. The focus is on enabling advanced vehicle management features from remote software operation to predictive analytics, transforming the role of software in the automotive industry. These solutions allow the seamless integration of cloud services with vehicle systems, enhancing end-user experiences through data-driven insights. KPIT offers customized platforms that streamline vehicle diagnostics, improve operational efficiencies, and enable features such as predictive maintenance and remote updates. Comprehensive service offerings ensure that customers benefit from vast data collection, robust asset management, and integrated analytics. KPIT not only provides the technical structure necessary for managing connected systems but also plays a pivotal role in crafting strategic roadmaps for deployment. The evolution of connected solutions by KPIT aims to simplify the management of automotive software, offering flexibility through remote service management and vehicle-to-cloud interactions. These advancements demonstrate KPIT’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of automotive technology.

KPIT Technologies
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ADAS and Autonomous Driving

KPIT offers a comprehensive suite of solutions for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving, aimed at facilitating the transition of prototype technologies into production-ready solutions. With expertise in system engineering, KPIT addresses the entire product lifecycle, from the development of system requirements to the functional safety analysis and implementation. The company's approach to achieving this involves a robust process derived from aerospace engineering, which ensures a safe and efficient system architecture at every level of the functionality. KPIT has leveraged its decades of experience and assembled an extensive engineering team dedicated to ADAS and autonomous driving, offering services from feature development through to software integration. Collaboration with more than 25 industry-leading OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers has resulted in extensive partnerships, delivering solutions that meet the high standards of ISO, NHTSA, NCAP, and SAE. The company's offerings also encompass end-to-end platform integration, ensuring seamless interoperability between software components to meet the unique demands of each client. Moreover, KPIT's software development methodologies incorporate advanced techniques such as AI and machine learning, which are pivotal in refining sensor fusion algorithms and localization tasks essential for autonomous vehicle operations.

KPIT Technologies
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Vehicle Engineering & Design Solutions

KPIT's vehicle engineering and design solutions encompass a comprehensive range of services that integrate traditional engineering principles with advanced technologies. This approach is designed to accelerate the development of next-generation vehicles by harnessing innovations in AI, simulation, and digital twins. Their offerings touch every aspect of vehicle development, from concept to completion, including integrated electrification solutions, and AI-driven CAE simulations. By employing digital twin technology and advanced CAD services, KPIT empowers automakers to optimize vehicle design processes, boosting efficiency and performance. The company provides full-spectrum engineering services that include new product design, value engineering, and virtual validation. These services ensure concepts transform into market-ready vehicles, maintaining high standards in both aesthetic and functional aspects of design. KPIT's expertise in classical mechanical engineering, conceptualized through a modern lens with smart harness solutions, facilitates the development of intelligent systems that align with the evolving needs of the automotive landscape. This synergy of classical and innovative methods showcases KPIT's comprehensive capabilities in leading engineering solutions.

KPIT Technologies
Standard cell
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Integrated Diagnostics & Aftersales Transformation (iDART)

The iDART platform by KPIT revolutionizes vehicle diagnostics and aftersales transformation by providing tools and services aimed at enhancing vehicle life-cycle management. The cloud-based system is designed to tackle the complexities of software-defined vehicle (SDV) diagnostics through improved connectivity and digitized services. iDART addresses the entire spectrum of diagnostics and aftersales services, from the development of electronic and electrical functions to maintaining the service lifecycle with competitive diagnostics solutions. It is crafted to manage the transition towards SDVs, emphasizing real-time diagnostics and predictive maintenance capabilities. The platform integrates a diverse range of tools for validating diagnostic functions, optimizing vehicle management, and providing solutions for advanced problem-solving and data management. Automakers benefit from substantial cost savings and improved efficiency in service delivery, supported by KPIT’s deep domain knowledge and strategic partnerships. KPIT's comprehensive approach ensures that the iDART platform supports a variety of contemporary requirements, from cybersecurity compliance to advanced system-of-chip diagnostics, maintaining high standards of service and innovation in automotive diagnostics.

KPIT Technologies
Standard cell
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