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IP Cores Inc.

IP Cores Inc. is a prominent company specializing in providing advanced semiconductor intellectual property (IP) cores for use in ASIC and FPGA applications. The firm stands out for its focus on security and cryptography, offering some of the most compact, efficient, and performance-driven IP cores in the market today. With capabilities extending from hardware encryption solutions like AES, DES, and a range of other ciphers, to secure and lossless compression, IP Cores Inc. leads with innovation and technology excellence. They supply IP cores that are tailored for applications requiring the highest standards of security, such as MACsec, IPsec, and SSL/TLS, alongside others for industries relying on content protection and cryptography. The company's products are built with a strategic focus on delivering compact cores without compromising on speed or functionality. This is evident across their range, which includes ultra-compact AES cores, full-spectrum compression technologies, and impressive random number generators. These advanced offerings are complemented by their versatility in operating across different platforms with support for multiple encryption modes, supporting seamless integration with varying system requirements. These qualities make IP Cores Inc. a preferred partner for companies that are looking to push the boundaries of semiconductor performance and application. Additionally, IP Cores Inc. has established a reputation for reliability and innovation, supporting industries with demands for cutting-edge technology that offer high throughput rates and minimal footprint on silicon real estate. Their products address a multitude of sectors, ensuring robust encryption and data handling, critical for telecommunications, networking, and data storage solutions. They ensure that whether a client is looking for basic encryption needs or high-end security protocols, they have a tailored solution ready to meet those needs. Read more

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IPs available

DES/3DES Ultra-Compact IP Core

The DES/3DES IP Core is designed to deliver efficient data encryption for ASIC and FPGA applications, aligning with the Data Encryption Standard (DES). It processes 64-bit blocks and supports multiple cipher modes including ECB and CBC. The ultra-compact design excels in conserving resources, occupying just 3K gates for triple DES implementations while maintaining high throughput rates of up to 3 Gbps. Implemented for fast deployment, this core facilitates secure mobile communications and secure financial transactions, meeting the highest standards set by national security protocols such as NIST FIPS 46-3.

IP Cores Inc.
Cryptography Cores
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The AES IP Core offers an ultra-compact implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (Rijndael) specifically optimized for size and performance. This IP core supports a wide range of encryption modes including ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, and CTR, with optional support for data integrity and power attack resistance features. The core is FIPS-197 certified, ensuring compliance with recognized security standards. With a configurable data interface capable of handling 8, 16, or 32-bit wide data operations, this versatile IP core can be integrated into various systems demanding secure data handling. Suitable for applications that require high data throughput while minimizing hardware footprint, the AES IP Core finds its utility in secure communication channels, secure storage systems, and various IoT applications.

IP Cores Inc.
Cryptography Cores
View Details Datasheet
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