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Inicore Inc.

Inicore Inc. is a distinguished system design house that specializes in crafting IP-based system-on-silicon solutions utilizing both FPGA and ASIC technologies. Their extensive experience in architectural design, methodology, and tool utilization aids clients in accelerating their design cycles from specification to silicon. By emphasizing reusability and structured methodologies, Inicore positions itself as a leader in the development of advanced and efficient silicon IP solutions. Additionally, their focus on speed and ease of integration underscores their commitment to helping customers meet tight time-to-market deadlines effectively. The company's IP cores are constructed with a structured design methodology that is independent of specific technologies. These cores are especially tailored for seamless integration at the system level, making them user-friendly and instrumental in driving rapid market introduction. Inicore continues to evolve by enhancing functionality and reliability, demonstrated by their involvement in projects like the integration of their CAN module in SmartFusion2 SoC FPGAs, which showcases the practical applications and durability of their IP cores across various industries. Moreover, Inicore extends its services beyond IP core development, offering comprehensive design services that cater to the evolving needs of its clients. Their approach includes thorough feasibility studies, concept analyses, and the complete design and verification processes, ensuring every product delivers first-time-right silicon. As a one-stop solutions provider, Inicore's collaborations with multiple technology partners allow them to utilize cutting-edge technologies, offering clients significant flexibility and a competitive edge in product development. Read more

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The CANmodule-IIIx is an advanced CAN controller core designed for robust multi-message handling, suited for systems requiring expansive message object management. Compliant with ISO 11898-1 standards, this module facilitates the management of up to 32 receive and 32 transmit message buffers, each equipped with individual filters for specific data fields, making it ideal for sophisticated automotive and industrial applications. This core integrates a comprehensive AMBA 3 APB interface, enhancing its adaptability for ARM-based system-on-chip (SoC) environments. The prioritized message arbitration and single-shot transmission capability help ensure a streamlined workflow and efficient data processing, reducing transmission errors and improving overall system reliability. Test and debugging features such as multiple loopback modes and error capture registers allow for refined diagnostic processes, ensuring high performance during operation. The core is crafted using technology-independent HDL, allowing deployment across a spectrum of FPGA and ASIC technologies, thereby providing flexibility and forward compatibility in evolving system designs.

Inicore Inc.
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The CANmodule-IIx from Inicore offers a compact yet powerful solution for systems-integration of CAN bus communication. Designed with FIFO structures for efficient message handling, this module adheres to the CAN 2.0A/B and ISO 11898-1 standards, making it a reliable interface for FPGA and ASIC-based embedded systems. Its architecture includes a 32-depth receive FIFO and a 16-depth transmit FIFO, enhancing data management and ensuring continuous data flow without bottlenecks. The module’s versatility is further amplified through programmable interrupt capabilities and a priority message handling system that caters to both standard and high-priority transmissions. The AMBA APB interface supports seamless integration into ARM-based SoC configurations, which is critical for modern embedded systems. The FIFO-based design is optimized for low gate counts, ensuring efficient implementation and robust performance while supporting a wide spectrum of data rates up to 1 Mbps. Additionally, various operational test modes, including loopback and listen-only modes, facilitate comprehensive debugging and testing, essential for system diagnostics and robustness.

Inicore Inc.
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Inicore's UARTmodule is a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter designed for efficient data communication over the RS232 protocol, a staple in interfacing peripheral devices to central controllers in an array of applications. The core stands out with its configurable receive buffers, granting greater control over implementation specifics, hence optimizing gate utilization. The UARTmodule encompasses a novel baudrate generator that ensures impressively accurate clock generation across a wide range of frequencies, enhancing data transmission integrity. With an 8 MHz system reference clock, the module achieves exceptional baudrate precision up to 115.2 kbps, minimizing risks associated with timing discrepancies, making it adaptable for various communication settings. Supporting multiple data frame formats and buffering configurations, the UARTmodule is adept at processing with efficient bus architecture facilitated by an AMBA APB interface. Its comprehensive features ensure compatibility and easy integration into FPGA and ASIC systems, while supporting diagnostic modes such as loopback configurations critical for debugging complex data flows.

Inicore Inc.
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The CANmodule-III is a comprehensive CAN controller module designed to facilitate efficient communication in systems-on-chip (SoC) configurations. Its core compliance with the ISO 11898-1 standard ensures reliability in multi-master setups, widely applicable across automotive and industrial automation sectors. Built with 16 distinct receive buffers, each featuring individual message filters, it supports detailed message validation and filtering. The transmit component is equipped with eight buffer registers, each supporting prioritized message arbitration. This setup is optimal for applications reliant on higher layer protocols like DeviceNet and SDC. Its AMBA 3 APB interface allows seamless ARM-based SoC integration, providing full synchronous connectivity and customization flexibility. The inclusion of self-synchronous bus interfacing simplifies incorporation into broader system architectures. To ensure error handling and debugging, the module includes a variety of support modes such as listen-only, internal and external loopback, and an SRAM test mode. This robust support structure contributes to minimizing gate-count utilization while maintaining high performance, making it suitable for diverse technology landscapes, including both ASIC and FPGA deployments.

Inicore Inc.
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Inicore's iniHDLC core stands as a robust High-Level Data Link Controller module, ideal for handling data communication needs across a wide range of protocols such as Q.921, Q.922, and X.25. The HDLC core offers both Receiver and Transmitter functionalities, optimized to process interframe flags and execute frame check sequences with precision. The architecture of iniHDLC centers on transparency, with built-in bit stuffing and destuffing, ensuring frame status signaling across all standard protocols. This core is synthesized for easy integration within diverse designs, supporting custom buffer interfaces such as FIFOs or DMA. Engineered to meet a variety of communication standards, iniHDLC simplifies data transmission management through flexible IO interfacing, leveraging Verilog for a structured implementation. This independence ensures the core fits seamlessly into various technological stacks, maintaining performance consistency and operational reliability, crucial for mission-critical applications.

Inicore Inc.
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IEEE 1394
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The iniCPU by Inicore is a formidable 8-bit microprocessor core that offers compatibility with Motorola's 6809 processor architecture. This core is engineered to integrate seamlessly into systems-on-chip, providing robust processing power for embedded applications where standard off-the-shelf solutions might not suffice for performance or customization needs. Its advanced features include illegal opcode recognition and direct memory management capabilities through an address expansion circuit, facilitating operations that span across peripheral components efficiently. This adaptability is complemented by seamless interfacing to external interfaces such as SDRAM and IO devices, ensuring wide-ranging applicability. The processor’s design upholds a fully synchronous architecture, eliminating timing inconsistencies and supporting high-speed operations up to 10 MIPS at 40MHz. Its C compiler, assembler, and debugger support streamline development and debugging processes, enhancing productivity and facilitating efficient system deployment. iniCPU's design independence makes it reusable across different technological platforms, promising longevity and versatility in diverse embedded system applications.

Inicore Inc.
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The SPIMmodule from Inicore is a feature-rich SPI Master Controller core designed for seamless communication with peripheral devices via the SPI protocol. This module allows robust full-duplex operations and supports multiple slave devices on a single bus system, thus optimizing communication interfaces for compact and efficient system designs. It features a message queue-based architecture which allows multiple SPI commands to be queued without requiring processor intervention, ideal for systems where timing precision is crucial. Programmable frame length and bit rate further enhance the module’s adaptability, allowing it to meet a wide array of specific application needs through efficient, configurable clock polarity and phase controls. Optimized for technology independence, the SPIMmodule’s fully synchronous design ensures seamless operation across various FPGA and ASIC platforms. Its easy integration and comprehensive support for standard SPI modes make it a logical choice for embedded systems that require low pin count interfacing with sustained throughput and reliability.

Inicore Inc.
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The iniADPLL, Inicore's All Digital Phase Locked Loop, provides a fully digital solution ideal for clock management tasks such as generation, recovery, and supervision integral to telecommunication systems. Its design emphasizes adaptability without external components, allowing it to be tailored for specific application needs. Featuring high jitter tolerance and infinite frequency hold times, iniADPLL leverages a programmable center frequency and adjustable filtering characteristics, such as cutoff frequency and loop gain, to maintain system robustness under variable conditions. This programmability simplifies integration into broader system architectures requiring precise timing control, pivotal for applications like digital data transmission. Constructed as a fully synchronous and scalable solution, iniADPLL supports diverse phase detector configurations that accommodate application-specific requirements. Its VHDL synthesis model underpins technology independence, fostering ease of adaptation across different platforms, making it relevant in various fields seeking high-performance clock management solutions.

Inicore Inc.
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The iniDSP, a 16-bit fixed-point general-purpose digital signal processor (DSP) core by Inicore, is engineered to enhance system-on-chip (SoC) applications through its reusable, technology-independent design. Optimized for high performance and low power consumption, the iniDSP serves as a versatile solution for a broad range of applications from audio processing to sensor signal conditioning. At the heart of iniDSP's architecture is the capability to execute efficient algorithm programming, benefiting applications that demand high computational precision and low latency. Its 16x16 multiplier coupled with a 40-bit accumulator ensures robust mathematical operations suited for control sequences in intricate systems. The core's structured design adheres to synchronous operation principles, maximizing reliability and ease of integration across different platforms. Inicore enhances this DSP core with comprehensive software support, including assembler, linker, and debugger tools, facilitating ease of use for developers. By offering an alternative to traditionally expensive off-chip DSP solutions, iniDSP not only reduces overall system costs but also streamlines the integration process in embedded systems, ensuring adaptability and prolonged product lifecycle in varied technological landscapes.

Inicore Inc.
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DSP Core
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Inicore's VMESCmodule2 is an advanced VME System Controller core engineered for seamless integration within FPGA and ASIC designs. This versatile core demonstrates compatibility with diverse address and data types across the VME ecosystem, ensuring comprehensive bus interfacing and communication. The controller incorporates VME to AXI bus bridging capabilities, supporting eight master and slave address windows that facilitate dynamic memory mapping. With functionalities like a bus timer and arbiter, the core simplifies complex VME systems while ensuring robust management for tasks across prioritized and round-robin arbitration schemes. Offering both a synchronous local AXI4 interface and additional AXI4-lite ports for dedicated configuration space access, VMESCmodule2 addresses complex VME system demands efficiently. The complete functionality combined with optional 2eSST support makes it an ideal solution for future-proof VME designs, thereby enhancing system control and data handling in high-demand environments.

Inicore Inc.
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VME Controller
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Inicore's GPIOmodule offers unparalleled flexibility for general purpose input/output operations, catering to diverse control and interfacing needs in modern embedded systems. Each of its ports can be customized for input, output, or bypass modes, thereby broadening its applicability in various application scenarios. Every port within GPIOmodule can serve as an interrupt source, with user-defined configuration for triggers such as level sensitivity or edge detection, enhancing control granularity and responsiveness. Each port's interrupt capabilities include settings for active high or low to edge transition, catering to complex interaction requirements between system components. Integration is made seamless with a standard AMBA APB host interface, and an optional AXI Lite interface available on request. This facilitates straightforward system embedding while ensuring that GPIOmodule remains adaptable to a range of development needs and platform specifications. Its synchronous, technology-independent design guarantees robustness and ease of integration across FPGA and ASIC platforms, optimizing system resources and performance.

Inicore Inc.
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Input/Output Controller
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Inicore's iniG704 module serves as a comprehensive G704 E1 framing solution, expertly designed to handle ISDN E1 framing structures at a data rate of 2048 kbit/sec. Constructed with flexible architecture in VHDL, the iniG704 adapts easily to varied technological platforms and seamlessly integrates into existing systems through its structured modular design. The module supports both symmetric and asymmetric applications, making it suitable for diverse usage scenarios including telecommunications systems where E1 lines are standard. By implementing key functionalities like basic and multiframe alignment and customizable error monitoring capabilities, it ensures robust data transmission and simplifies error handling. Key features include customizable CRC4 error checking and alarm bit processing that aid in maintaining signal integrity and preventing data loss. The technology independence of iniG704 guarantees long-term usability and easy adaptation for future technological advancements, making it a resilient choice for developers focusing on communication infrastructures.

Inicore Inc.
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