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Hyperstone GmbH

Hyperstone GmbH is at the forefront of designing and developing NAND flash memory controllers for industrial and embedded applications. The company's product portfolio supports a diverse range of interfaces and form factors, including Secure Digital cards, USB flash drives, CompactFlash cards, SATA and PATA SSDs, and more. Known for their reliability and robust architecture, Hyperstone's controllers ensure performance stability across a broad spectrum of storage solutions, adeptly addressing the difficulties associated with non-volatile memory. Read more

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F9 CF PATA Flash Controller

The F9 controller by Hyperstone is dedicated to fulfilling the immense reliability and endurance standards expected in industrial environments. Built for CompactFlash and PATA SSDs, it excels in providing unmatched random write performance via its hyMap® Flash Translation Layer. The controller supports expansive flash memory needs, boasting a sturdy BCH ECC engine and customizable firmware extensions. This compact but feature-rich controller also brings significant encryption abilities and GPIO flexibility, assuredly meeting the retrospective needs of legacy but crucial interface applications.

Hyperstone GmbH
Flash Controller
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S9 microSD and SD Controller

S9 microSD and SD controllers are crafted for industrial-grade requirements, offering a blend of advanced security measures with robust framework implementations. The S9 variant features hyMap® firmware, providing superior wear leveling, data refresh, and power failure management, ensuring utmost reliability. As the standard for SD 7.1 interface compatibility, these controllers seamlessly integrate, making them apt for enduring and high-endurance storage solutions. Complemented by the SD security-focused S9S variant, users gain additional encryption and secure erase capabilities, tailored for environments demanding heightened data protection.

Hyperstone GmbH
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U9 Flash Memory Controller

The U9 is a USB 3.1 controller that has been meticulously constructed to meet the exacting requirements of industrial applications. It brings with it hyReliability™ flash management, a flexible ECC engine, and a powerful AES encryption feature, all encapsulated within an optimized 32-bit RISC core. The versatile controller continuously updates its flash memory chip support to ensure its applicability for emerging storage necessities, also featuring GPIOs for customized applications using interfaces like SPI and I2C. Its design includes temperature sensing capabilities and offers a turnkey solution package, streamlining the integration into complex systems.

Hyperstone GmbH
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X1 SATA SSD Controller

The X1 SATA SSD controller is engineered to cater to the rigorous demands of industrial storage applications, promising high energy efficiency. Key features include a 32-bit dual-core microprocessor with bespoke instruction sets and hardware accelerators, designed for optimal flash memory management. It incorporates the hyMap® sub-page-based Flash Translation Layer (FTL), FlashXE® extended endurance features, and hyReliability™ flash management, improving its reliability and durability. These tools, alongside on-the-fly AES encryption and comprehensive error correction algorithms, make the X1 a powerhouse for dependable NAND Flash management.

Hyperstone GmbH
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