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Global Unichip Corp.

Global Unichip Corp. (GUC) positions itself as a cutting-edge leader in the field of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design services. Foremost in the technology sector, the company is recognized for its innovative approaches to tackling the complexities of large-scale and high-frequency design developments. GUC's robust portfolio comprises solutions for a wide range of designs, including billion-gate systems and multi-GHz subsystems. The firm actively collaborates with foundries and elite supply chain partners, which is instrumental in delivering its industry-leading manufacturing services. This collaboration extends to producing advanced packaging technologies that envelope every stage of production, from initial design concepts through to the delivery of finished products. GUC is committed to offering not only design services but also seamless, end-to-end production capabilities that cater to diverse customer requirements. GUC's technology prowess includes a rich IP portfolio that caters to the ever-evolving needs of AI, HPC, and 5G networking applications. The company's offerings have continually adapted to meet the changing landscape of technology usage, ensuring high-quality performance standards are met across AI accelerator and HBM3 technologies. With notable expertise in system-on-chip design and the deployment of innovative packaging techniques, GUC enhances the execution and market readiness for high-performance technology projects. Read more

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IPs available

Die-to-Die (2.5D/3D) IP

This IP offers sophisticated solutions for die-to-die communication, a critical aspect of modern semiconductor designs, especially in multi-die systems. The technology is designed to provide high-speed data transfer rates with minimal power consumption, adapting to the needs of advanced systems such as AI accelerators and network processors. GUC's die-to-die IP capitalizes on 2.5D and 3D integration technologies to enhance system throughput and reduce latency. The design ensures reliable inter-chip communication by utilizing CoWoS (Chip on Wafer on Substrate) and interposer technologies to facilitate efficient signal transmission. This setup is pivotal in overcoming challenges associated with traditional microelectronics interconnection. Additionally, GUC addresses the complex nature of these integrations with methods that enhance thermal management and power distribution. By optimizing these crucial elements, the IP supports higher performance levels while maintaining system stability. This IP is especially useful for systems that require tight integration and synchronization of multiple processing units across separate dies.

Global Unichip Corp.
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High Bandwidth Memory IP

The IP solution features cutting-edge technology in high bandwidth memory (HBM) design tailored for high-performance computing and artificial intelligence applications. This IP provides significant memory bandwidth improvements, a crucial component for the expanding demands of AI and data analytics processes. Central to the system's performance are the advancements in integration that reduce power consumption while supporting massive data throughput. The HBM IP from GUC leverages their expertise in backend design, ensuring signal integrity even in the context of complex SoCs. By incorporating innovations such as 3D stacking and through-silicon vias (TSVs), the IP achieves exceptional bandwidth capacity and scalability. These technological enhancements are pivotal in applications that require large datasets to be processed rapidly and with minimal latency. Furthermore, GUC's design is optimized for a seamless integration within existing systems, providing developers with robust, high-speed memory solutions that are essential for next-generation digital workloads. The versatility and efficiency of the HBM IP make it a valuable asset for developers striving to push the boundaries of computational capability.

Global Unichip Corp.
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