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Exostiv Labs

Exostiv Labs, a prominent name in the semiconductor realm, specializes in providing unparalleled visibility into FPGA environments. Their goal is to enhance SoC validation and debugging processes by offering cutting-edge tools that ensure detailed insight into FPGA operations. With a commitment to reducing debugging times significantly, Exostiv Labs positions itself as a leader in the field of FPGA and SoC development. By focusing on minimizing design iterations and avoiding costly bugs in production, Exostiv Labs contributes significantly to engineering efficiency and accuracy. Their offerings, like the EXOSTIV Blade and EXOSTIV IP, highlight sophisticated capabilities tailored to facilitate comprehensive testing and debugging. Through innovative techniques and tools, they empower engineers with the ability to capture and analyze vast arrays of data efficiently. The company also emphasizes the adaptability of their solutions, ensuring compatibility with various prototyping processes to streamline operations across multiple sites and configurations. Read more

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Exostiv provides an extraordinary test, verification, and debugging tool for FPGA designs, offering gigabyte-level visibility at full operational speeds. It deploys FPGA resources efficiently to capture extensive internal node data without storing it all internally, significantly slashing development times. Exostiv's ability to dynamically control and select data sets for deeper analytics makes it a pivotal tool in preventing costly production flaws. The system is compatible with any prototyping board, utilizing Multi-Gigabit Transceivers to funnel data to external storage, granting extensive operational node access. Complementing traditional embedded instruments, Exostiv provides dashboards to manage and analyze data, employing the MYRIAD viewer for terpabyte-scale waveform handling, revolutionizing FPGA debugging sessions.

Exostiv Labs
Input/Output Controller
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Exostiv Blade

The Exostiv Blade is designed for deep multi-FPGA data capture, operating at impressive speeds remotely. Its profound capabilities make it a robust solution for pre-silicon SoC validation and multi-FPGA debugging. The system supports up to 800 MHz sampling, and with its scalable resources, it can capture data from millions of nodes across several FPGAs. Exostiv Blade integrates seamlessly with any FPGA prototyping system, allowing convenient remote access and enhanced storage capabilities. Its flexible architecture includes various chassis options and supports up to ten capture boards, ensuring users can tailor the setup to suit specific debugging needs. With high bandwidth QSFP28 connectors, the system facilitates massive data throughput, enabling unparalleled trace depth and precision in testing. Additionally, Exostiv Blade offers distinctive IP types, such as Standard IP for dynamic data capture and Extended Width IP for broader node reach within FPGA environments.

Exostiv Labs
Input/Output Controller
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The EXOSTIV IP is a customizable logic analyzer core for FPGA designs, noteworthy for its minimal on-chip resource consumption while providing extensive internal signal monitoring. It leverages FPGA transceivers to establish high-bandwidth links to external storage, freeing up crucial FPGA on-chip memory. The IP core supports significant customization with multiplexing and boolean trigger configurations, which are essential for extensive data analysis during FPGA operation. As a synchronous tool, it adheres to existing design clock constraints and allows seamless integration at both RTL and netlist levels via the EXOSTIV Dashboard software. With advanced features such as configurable capture units and data groups, the EXOSTIV IP core delivers precise monitoring tailored to project-specific needs.

Exostiv Labs
All Foundries
Input/Output Controller
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