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eTopus Technology Inc.

eTopus Technology Inc., based in the United States, specializes in advancing wired connectivity through its innovative semiconductor IP solutions. By leveraging patented technology, eTopus focuses on ultra-low latency applications that reach data rates up to 112G. Their cutting-edge solutions are designed to overcome latency challenges posed by Forward Error Correction (FEC), delivering minimal wait times with impressive efficiency. Among their notable offerings, the 400G IP solution stands out due to its remarkable ability to achieve a combined latency for FEC and SerDes of under 10ns, making it one of the fastest in the industry. The company places a particular emphasis on providing scalable architectures that accommodate a wide array of data rates and insertion losses. Their ePHY product family encapsulates this versatility, featuring advanced DSP techniques that enhance performance across multiple parameters, ensuring robust Clock Data Recovery and excellent scalability. Through this innovative framework, eTopus partners with clients to tailor solutions that align with specific vertical market requirements, optimizing their technology to meet diverse needs. In addition to their SerDes IP offerings for technology nodes at 6nm, 7nm, 12nm, 16nm, and 22nm, eTopus supports a wide range of protocols, including Ethernet, Interlaken, PCIe Gen 5, CXL2.0/3, and Gen 6. Their roadmap indicates a future focus on exciting new developments such as chiplets, higher speed capabilities, and even more advanced technology nodes. These constant innovations position eTopus as a leader in the high-speed semiconductor IP space, continuously expanding their product features to pioneer next-generation connectivity solutions. Read more

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The ePHY-5607 extends the impressive capabilities of the ePHY series, optimized specifically for power, performance, and area (PPA) efficiency at 7nm technology nodes. Targeting data rates from 1Gbps to 56Gbps, this IP is ideal for data centers where high-speed connectivity with conservation of power is crucial. It supports applications such as servers, AI systems, and smart NICs, aligning with demands for low latency and high bandwidth. Featuring a multi-reference clock, this product offers enhanced clock recovery functionality, ensuring superior BER (Bit Error Rate) and fast temperature tracking across its operational scope. Its architecture enables the deployment of sophisticated feature sets, making it extremely versatile for a range of data communication needs. The DSP-powered framework helps optimize insertion losses while maintaining robust CDR performance, crucial for maintaining high-speed data integrity over extended periods. The ePHY-5607 is further distinguished by its Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) variant, tailored specifically to achieve minimal latency in data transactions—a critical factor in optimizing data center operations and networking. The enhanced configurability offered through its APIs simplifies the intricate processes of SerDes bring-up and application tuning, offering an unmatched user experience for developers and engineers looking to implement next-generation IP solutions in cutting-edge applications.

eTopus Technology Inc.
7nm LPP
Multi-Protocol PHY
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The ePHY-5616 is part of the ePHY product family known for its scalable and robust architecture. Designed to support data rates ranging from 1Gbps to 56Gbps, this IP block is implemented with advanced DSP techniques to handle a wide spectrum of insertion losses. It is designed specifically for network applications, including routers, switches, and enterprise equipment like network interface cards and backplane systems. With superior bit error rates and robust performance even under varying conditions of voltage, PVT (process, voltage, temperature), and frequency, it exemplifies reliability for data-intensive tasks. The architecture of the ePHY-5616 facilitates direct optical drive capabilities, making it highly adaptable for use with direct attached cables. Additionally, its DSP-based receiver architecture enhances its scalability across various enterprise applications, offering a comprehensive set of APIs through its SDK to simplify the implementation and optimize application deployment. This technical innovation underpins its relevance in modern data center environments, where efficiency and low latency are paramount. Furthermore, the ePHY-5616 is designed for flexibility and customization, offering features such as wide-ranging TX FIR taps for transmit de-emphasis and extensive diagnostic tools for performance tuning and system bring-up. These characteristics, combined with its mix of high data rates and low latency, make it a preferred solution for applications demanding high-throughput and minimal delay, such as AI-driven storage systems.

eTopus Technology Inc.
Multi-Protocol PHY
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The ePHY-11207 represents the forefront of eTopus's high-speed SerDes IP offerings, designed to deliver data rates from 1Gbps to a remarkable 112Gbps on 7nm process nodes. Its architecture is engineered for maximum performance and efficiency, suitable for cutting-edge networking equipment and high-speed communication interfaces such as LR and PCIe Gen 5 and 6. Incorporating a highly configurable DSP receiver architecture, the ePHY-11207 maintains excellent BER performance while providing robust Clock Data Recovery operations. This IP block is particularly adept at managing high data rates with minimized latency, making it an optimal choice for high-performance applications such as data centers and next-generation enterprise equipment. Its SerDes features facilitate minimalist latency through the implementation of advanced FEC solutions combined with its low BER technologies. With its forward-looking design, the ePHY-11207 is also prepared for enterprise-wide deployment and high-value customer solutions that require telecommunication infrastructural overhauls. It supports multiple RX measurements for link margining analysis and offers up to an 8-tap TX FIR for optimized transmit de-emphasis. These utilities ensure that the solution not only meets current market demands but is also aligned with future technological trajectories.

eTopus Technology Inc.
Multi-Protocol PHY
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