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eSi-RISC is a pioneering provider of semiconductor intellectual property that specializes in configurable processor cores for a myriad of embedded systems. Their technology boasts an adaptable microprocessor architecture that can efficiently scale across a diverse array of applications. This versatility is achieved through a configurable architecture that allows customers to tailor the processor to their specific needs, from small to large embedded applications, addressing both low and high-power requirements. The core has been proven effective across various fabrication processes spanning from traditional to advanced nodes. The hallmark of eSi-RISC's offering is its high configurability, enabling the prompt and economical delivery of customized embedded solutions. Their IP cores are efficiently implemented both in ASIC and FPGA technologies, demonstrating the company's capability to cater to the needs of diverse client requirements, resulting in optimal performance and power efficiency. They provide a comprehensive development suite leveraging tools such as Eclipse IDE and GNU for seamless integration and deployment, thereby enhancing the development experience for users across different operating platforms. eSi-RISC empowers businesses with their versatile processor cores, which include features such as support for multiprocessor configurations, floating-point operations, user-defined custom instructions, and various debug capabilities. Their processor cores offer a balance of performance and power consumption, featuring an exceptional CoreMark score per MHz, thereby ensuring high code density and performance efficacy. This combination of features makes eSi-RISC an optimal choice for developers aiming to achieve specific embedded system goals while maintaining low overall system costs. Read more

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The eSi-Connect suite comprises a broad array of processor peripherals, each equipped with AMBA AXI, AHB, or APB interfaces. This collection simplifies system-on-chip (SoC) integration, enhancing the connectivity and functionality of embedded systems. It includes versatile memory controllers, ranging from SMI to DDR and SPI Flash, facilitating seamless communication with external memory elements, enhancing system flexibility and scalability. The eSi-Connect IP blocks offer complete support for standard interfaces like USB, I2C, SPI, and UART, ensuring broad compatibility and ease of integration with existing hardware components. Control functions like timers, real-time clocks, GPIO, and watchdogs supplement peripheral management, making it a comprehensive peripheral suite. These peripherals are pliable in design, allowing custom configurations and are accompanied by low-level software drivers suited for real-time embedded systems. Whether implementing asynchronous communication through eSi-UART or managing dual data streams with eSi-SG-DMA, the peripherals in eSi-Connect merge flexibility with performance. The inclusion of additional features like programmable FIFO sizes, configurable interrupt systems, and integration with industry-standard interfaces, render this suite indispensable for developers focusing on achieving efficient, real-time operations in diverse applications.

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Input/Output Controller
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eSi-Floating Point

The eSi-Floating Point IP family offers high-precision arithmetic operations in half, single, and double-precision formats, adhering to the IEEE 754-2008 standards. Ideal for applications demanding rigorous numerical accuracy, instances of manipulation include addition, multiplication, division, and an array of other complex operations crucial in scientific computing and data analysis. Noteworthy is the core's pipelined nature which ensures high throughput, producing a computation result every clock cycle. This feature allows variations in pipeline stages, granting flexibility to trade latency for operating frequency based on design priorities. The core's ability to handle denormalized numbers, infinities, NaNs, and preset rounding options equip it fittingly for versatile computing requirements. eSi-Floating Point cores are technology agnostic, delivered in Verilog HDL, and are DFT ready, applicable across ASIC and FPGA environments. Extensive support for status flags for typical arithmetic exceptions amplifies operability in complex applications, thereby establishing reliability for critical computing tasks, encapsulating efficiency in a scalable IP solution.

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Vision Processor
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Offering a high-performance processing solution, the eSi-3250 is a 32-bit RISC IP core suitable for ASIC or FPGA systems requiring on-chip caching due to slower eFlash memories or off-chip access. This core is engineered to support an impressive set of functionalities, making it a standout option for applications needing robust processing coupled with efficient data handling capabilities. The inclusion of separate configurable instruction and data caches enhances the core’s capability to manage complex instructions and data storage efficiently, thus augmenting overall performance. With a robust instruction set that supports IEEE 754 compliant floating-point instructions and full 64-bit arithmetic operations, the eSi-3250 is suitable for advanced computational demands. Its design incorporates a 5-stage pipeline for high-frequency operations, underpinned by significant power efficiency, ensuring minimal energy consumption. Accommodating both user and supervisor operating modes, the processor provides a secure environment for multitasking operations. Multiple debug options, comprehensive user-defined instruction support, and integration with various peripheral interfaces render the eSi-3250 a versatile and high-functioning core, ideal for challenging computational environments that prioritize processing speed and power efficiency.

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Processor Cores
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The eSi-1600 is an economical and energy-efficient 16-bit RISC processor core, well-suited for integration into ASIC and FPGA designs. It provides an effective performance-level akin to that of more costly 32-bit CPUs but offers a system cost similar to that of simpler 8-bit CPUs. Its architecture focuses on control applications within mature mixed-signal processes with under 64KB of memory. This core is specifically designed for scenarios where reduced power consumption is vital, facilitating an energy-efficient operation since fewer clock cycles are needed to run applications as compared to 8-bit CPUs. The eSi-1600 architecture comprises 16 or 32 general-purpose registers, 92 basic instructions, and 10 diverse addressing modes, allowing up to 74 user-defined instructions to be incorporated for custom application needs. Its unique architectural design with a 5-stage pipeline supports rapid instruction processing, while an optional memory protection unit and AMBA AHB buses provide robust system integration. Debug options such as JTAG or serial debug, optional trace, and performance counters grant developers the tools needed for efficient debugging and system analysis. Optimized for DFT and silicon-proven, the eSi-1600 is delivered as a Verilog RTL IP core, facilitating adaptability to a customer-specific design. Its design allows for seamless integration with AMBA peripherals like UART, SPI, and I2C among others, ensuring compatibility with third-party IPs. Intended for low-power applications, it supports intricate data manipulations and fast low-power state transitions, making it ideal for scenarios necessitating elevated energy efficiency as well as enhanced code density.

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Processor Cores
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The eSi-3200 is a versatile 32-bit RISC processor core optimized for low-cost and low-power applications. Without internal caching, this core is well-suited for embedded control tasks where deterministic performance is essential, making it ideal for situations demanding reliable, real-time control. Its architecture utilizes a modified-Harvard approach for dual instruction and data fetching, ensuring rapid data processing and minimal interruptions. The processor offers an extensive instruction set with the capability to incorporate user-specific commands, broadening its functionality to suit targeted applications. It includes options for a floating-point unit that adheres to IEEE 754 standards, further enriching its computational capabilities with instructions for single-precision floating points and 64-bit arithmetic operations. Its robust design allows for fast instruction processing through a 5-stage pipeline, maintaining exceptional performance with a 4.12 CoreMark per MHz efficiency. Beyond its architectural advantages, the eSi-3200 facilitates energy efficiency by maximizing code density through its smart instruction encoding in both 16 and 32 bits. It supports comprehensive operating modes with a focus on both user and supervisor protection to safeguard system integrity during operation. With a suite of debugging tools and supports for various AMBA peripherals, the eSi-3200 stands out as a reliable choice for developers needing a high-performing, energy-efficient processor core.

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Processor Cores
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The eSi-3264 is an advanced 32/64-bit RISC CPU designed for high-performance applications needing DSP (Digital Signal Processing) capabilities, making it ideal for areas like audio processing, motion control, and sensor data analysis. Its architecture incorporates SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) extensions, allowing for efficient data processing with minimal silicon real estate, ensuring a balance between performance and power consumption. This processor features a comprehensive instruction set supporting dual and quad SIMD operations along with precision IEEE 754 floating-point instructions. Additional adaptations include bit manipulation and complex arithmetic operations, enhancing the processor's capability to handle demanding computational workloads effectively. A pipelined MAC unit and configurable data and instruction caches bolster processing speeds, maintaining optimal power efficiency. Augmented with extensive debugging options, including trace and performance counters, the eSi-3264 is versatile for various implementations, from rapid prototyping to deployment in robust industrial environments. It supports both user-defined instructions and comprehensive peripheral integration using standard AMBA buses, enabling seamless enhancements and extensions tailored to specific application requirements.

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Processor Cores
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eSi-RISC Development Suite

The eSi-RISC Development Suite provides the comprehensive toolset required for developing embedded applications on eSi-RISC processors. This suite, fully compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS, includes a powerful Eclipse IDE that supports project management, source code navigation, and debugging capabilities, facilitating an efficient development cycle. Offering GCC as its compiler, the suite supports all major C and C++ standards, enabling developers to write optimized code for eSi-RISC's instruction sets and user-defined extensions seamlessly. It also integrates robust debugging tools, simulating hardware targets, and providing profiling and code coverage analytics, ensuring developers have comprehensive visibility over their application’s performance. Notable for its cost-free licensing, the suite includes RTOS support, aiding in real-time operating system implementation, thereby providing a comprehensive development environment geared towards achieving optimal performance in real-world applications.

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The eSi-1650 is a compact, low-power 16-bit RISC CPU core integrating an instruction cache which enhances its performance and area efficiency, particularly for mature electronic nodes employing OTP or Flash for program memory. Designed for energy-efficient execution, it minimizes power consumption by circumventing the need for extensive shadow RAMs while facilitating prolonged high-frequency CPU operation. This makes it exceptionally well-suited for applications where an 8-bit CPU might typically suffice but necessitates an upgrade due to its limitations. Configuration options abound with the eSi-1650, which supports 16 or 32 general-purpose registers, and offers 92 basic instructions alongside 74 user-defined ones. Its architectural attributes include a customizable instruction cache (ranging from 1-64kB and varied ways of associativity), enabling optimal performance across various process nodes. The 5-stage pipeline ensures efficient instruction processing, while maintaining fast interrupt response times crucial in responsive system applications. Delivering a convenient migration path, whether for increased cache requirements or shifting to higher bit architectures, the eSi-1650 is designed to support efficient software development through a license-free toolchain. Debugging tools, like hardware breakpoints and performance counters, complement the support for multi-process settings, offering a professional and streamlined debugging experience. Ready for deployment, the core integrates seamlessly with AMBA peripheral components, bolstering its capability to meet a wide range of application requirements while maintaining a cost-effective profile.

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Processor Cores
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