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Digital Blocks

Digital Blocks is a highly regarded provider of semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) cores, offering innovative solutions to developers seeking top-notch IP for various applications. Specializing in AMBA peripherals, including controllers for DMA, I3C, I2C, xSPI, eSPI, display controllers, and 2D graphics hardware accelerators, Digital Blocks delivers advanced IP cores tailored for System-on-Chip (SoC), ASIC, and FPGA designs. The company prides itself on its expertise as both system architects and designers, ensuring comprehensive system-level IP capabilities. Employing silicon-proven technology, Digital Blocks offers a wide range of IP cores with a focus on reducing development costs and accelerating time to market. Their core offerings encompass Verilog and VHDL IP solutions for high-performance SoCs and ASICs, including display controllers supporting resolutions from standard to 8K, video processing, and high-speed networking protocols. With a proven track record, they provide flexible and scalable solutions that meet the diverse needs of their clients in industries spanning from automotive to consumer electronics. Additionally, Digital Blocks extends customization services, enabling clients to tailor IP solutions to their specific requirements. Their ability to adapt and optimize IP cores ensures that customers receive the most efficient and cost-effective designs, ready for seamless integration into their final products. With a commitment to innovation and quality, Digital Blocks is a reliable partner in the semiconductor industry, providing robust IP cores that drive development efficiency and performance excellence. Read more

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IPs available

SPI Master/Slave Controller

The SPI Master/Slave Controller, referred to as DB-SPI-MS-AMBA, is designed for efficient serial communication within embedded systems. It supports both Master and Slave SPI operations, offering a comprehensive solution compatible with the AMBA APB, AHB, or AXI buses. The controller facilitates streamlined data transfers between a microprocessor and external SPI devices, making it ideal for interfacing with integrated circuits requiring precise and reliable serial data exchange. Its flexible design ensures efficient management of SPI transactions, optimizing system performance across various applications.

Digital Blocks
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eSPI Master/Slave Controller

The eSPI Master/Slave Controller, designated as DB-eSPI-SPI-MS-APB, is fully compliant with the Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (eSPI) specification, accommodating both eSPI and traditional SPI operations. This versatile controller can function either as an eSPI Master or Slave, or as a SPI Master or Slave. With support for AMBA interconnects like AXI and AHB, it is well-suited for various peripheral interactions within complex embedded systems. The controller provides a robust solution for managing serial communication, delivering efficiency and reliability across diverse application domains.

Digital Blocks
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I2C Master/Slave Controller

The Digital Blocks I2C Master/Slave Controller, DB-I2C-MS, provides seamless interfacing between a microprocessor and I2C Bus, with support for Standard-mode, Fast-mode, Fast-mode Plus, and Hs-mode operations. Compatible with the latest NXP I2C specification, the controller is equipped with system-level integration features and can be tailored for specific application needs. Available for AMBA AXI, AHB, or APB buses, it offers flexible configuration options to maximize performance and compatibility in diverse embedded systems, making it ideal for a variety of control and communication tasks.

Digital Blocks
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DB9000AXI Display Controller

The DB9000AXI Display Controller is designed to support a wide range of display panels, from resolutions as low as 320x240 (QVGA) to as high as 8K Ultra HD. This controller interfaces with frame buffer memory using the AMBA AXI Protocol, facilitating smooth and efficient display operations. With a focus on comprehensive display capabilities, it offers advanced processing features like overlay windows, hardware cursor, and high dynamic range (HDR) support. These enhancements allow for sophisticated image composition through features such as alpha blending and color space conversion. Additionally, the controller supports various display formats, ensuring a versatile solution for display-intensive applications.

Digital Blocks
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LCD Controller
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AXI4 DMA Controller

The AXI4 DMA Controller, known as DB-DMAC-MC-AXI4, excels at managing multiple concurrent data transfers, offering 1 to 16 independent channels. It is optimized for high throughput, compatible with both small and large data sets, and supports a range of AXI data widths from 8 to 1024 bits. The controller features independent DMA read and write channels, allowing for flexible source and destination pairing, and includes scatter-gather linked-list control for effective data management. This DMA controller is ideal for high-performance systems, providing sophisticated data transfer features with minimal overhead.

Digital Blocks
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DMA Controller
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