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CoMira Solutions

CoMira Solutions specializes in providing a comprehensive suite of Ethernet, error correction, and security IP that caters to pivotal sectors such as core networking, semiconductor, and hyper-scale data centers. They excel in custom design, integrating non-standard protocols and subsystems to meet the unique demands of their clients. Their tailor-made solutions facilitate the enhancement of their customers' end products, enabling them to stand out in competitive markets.<br><br>The company's Ethernet solutions are renowned for their high configurability and adaptability, supporting various channel speeds and employing an innovative time-sliced architecture. This allows for the optimization of latency and density in data center applications. Moreover, their products are compliant with leading industry standards and offer additional features to cater to specific client requirements.<br><br>In addition to their robust Ethernet solutions, CoMira Solutions offers cutting-edge error correction IP to address the limitations introduced by the physical media on high-speed serial links. Utilizing advanced forward error correction techniques, their solutions ensure integrity and reliability in data transmission. CoMira also provides industry-standard security IP, implementing protocols that protect against data disruption and theft across networks. Read more

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IPs available

Ethernet UMAC IP

This Ethernet IP from CoMira is a multi-speed, multi-channel universal media access control (UMAC) product that offers unparalleled flexibility. Its architecture is designed for 'any rate on any channel' operation, ranging from 1G to 800G. Leveraging a unique time-sliced design, it enhances port density while ensuring minimal latency, making it ideal for high-performance data center applications. The IP is compliant with various standards including IEEE 802.3 and Flex-E, and allows customization with non-standard protocols and application-driven modes of operation, enabling clients to fine-tune configurations to their specific needs.

CoMira Solutions
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The MACSec IP from CoMira Solutions implements the vital Media Access Control Security protocol, a standard for securing communications within local networks. The IP is compliant with the 802.1AE standard, plus its amendments, providing robust security against data breaches and ensuring protected transmission. Its design utilizes a time-division multiplexed architecture, which allows the IP to operate concurrently with CoMira's UMAC IP at independent core clocks, offering support for various traffic configurations up to 100G. This IP is adept at filtering and managing secure communications, making it essential for protecting sensitive transmissions in network environments.

CoMira Solutions
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Embedded Security Modules
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Error Correction IP

CoMira Solutions' Error Correction IP is geared towards solving challenges associated with high-speed data transmission over lengthy physical media, which typically introduces errors due to signal loss. The IP harnesses forward error correction (FEC) techniques, including the Reed-Solomon algorithm, to enhance data recovery. At high line rates, such methods are crucial for backplane and copper links, starting from 10G. This suite of FEC IP can be integrated as a configurable part of CoMira's UMAC IP or used independently, providing a versatile solution for improving data transmission accuracy across a range of applications.

CoMira Solutions
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Error Correction/Detection
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