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Certus Semiconductor

Certus Semiconductor is a premier provider specializing in custom RF, analog, IO, and ESD solutions. With a focus on flexibility and customization, the company offers a unique approach by working closely with clients' teams. This collaboration ensures that their input/output libraries are finely tuned to fit specific product requirements, providing efficient and competitive solutions in the market. At the core of Certus Semiconductor's operations is a team of world-renowned experts in IO and ESD design. This allows the company to deliver high-quality, tailored solutions that go beyond traditional one-size-fits-all methods. Whether it's through their digital and analog IP offerings or their specialty ESD protection circuits, they prioritize customer engagement to achieve optimal design performance. In addition to their IP solutions, Certus also excels in various design services, which include RF/Analog circuit characterization and the development of custom standard cell libraries. Their extensive experience is leveraged to provide silicon-proven libraries that can be fully customized, significantly accelerating project timelines. Certus Semiconductor's commitment to innovation and client satisfaction positions them as a leader in the semiconductor IP landscape. Read more

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Digital I/O

Certus Semiconductor's Digital I/O solutions are designed to provide flexibility and reliability, accommodating a wide range of GPIO and ODIO standards. Their offerings include 1.8V, 3.3V, and switchable voltage solutions, ensuring compatibility with various technological environments. The Digital I/O products boast features such as ultra-low power consumption, multiple drive strengths, and exceptional ESD protection, making them suitable for diverse applications. Furthermore, Certus provides multi-standard compliant I/Os including specialties like eMMc, LPDDR, and RGMII, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. Their off-the-shelf libraries are equipped with unique protective features against extreme voltages and electrostatic discharge, further enhancing the robustness of these solutions. High-speed differential options are also available, featuring LVDS TX and RX cells with integrated termination resistors and fault-safe modes for reliable performance. Whether for standard or specialized applications, Certus Semiconductor's Digital I/O solutions present a comprehensive package for modern digital designs.

Certus Semiconductor
All Foundries
Input/Output Controller
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RF/Analog IP

Certus Semiconductor specializes in RF/Analog IP, delivering advanced wireless transceiver technology for a variety of applications. Their solutions incorporate silicon-proven RF IP, offering ultra-low power consumption, which is crucial for mobile and IoT devices. With capabilities ranging from LTE and WiFi transceivers to GNSS, Zigbee, and custom communication protocol implementations, they provide comprehensive coverage across modern wireless standards. Their RF/Analog products include full-chip solutions that are customizable, featuring integrated components such as PMU, RF components, and PLLs. These elements are optimized for high-performance with outputs ranging across multiple frequency bands, offering low noise and high precision with minimal phase jitter. Certus's RF products are ideal for next-generation wireless IP solutions, boasting features such as ultralow latency and integrated TX/RX capabilities. Their prowess in combining advanced design elements with practical applications positions them as a frontrunner in the RF/Analog sector, suitable for developing cutting-edge wireless communication technologies.

Certus Semiconductor
All Foundries
RF Modules
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Analog I/O

Certus Semiconductor offers Analog I/O solutions that focus on ultra-low capacitance and exceptional electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection. Designed for precision and integrity, these solutions minimize impact on impedance and signal integrity, critical for sensitive RF and high-speed SerDes applications. The Analog I/O products integrate seamlessly into RF networks, offering robust performance with minimal interference. These solutions come with features such as protection from extreme ESD levels and temperature resilience, able to operate in conditions exceeding 200°C. Certus's Analog I/O includes comprehensive voltage tolerance, allowing them to handle signal swings below ground without compromising on performance. Furthermore, the integrated protection layers cover high dBm RF interfaces, ensuring stability and reliability in demanding environments. These capabilities make Certus's Analog I/O an ideal choice for applications requiring stringent ESD protection and precise analog signal processing.

Certus Semiconductor
Input/Output Controller
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