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Canova Tech Srl

Since its inception in 2005, Canova Tech Srl has been a leader in delivering world-class semiconductor intellectual property and design services. Headquartered in Italy, the company is at the forefront of the semiconductor industry, providing specialized IP blocks and complete integrated circuit designs for clients globally. Their strong commitment to technological innovation is coupled with an emphasis on quality and state-of-the-art design methodologies particularly in the realm of mixed-signal solutions. Canova Tech's offerings reflect a deep understanding of market trends, allowing them to anticipate and adapt to changing needs in the semiconductor world. This insight is a direct result of their core values, which highlight a dedication to leveraging advanced technology to provide their clients with cutting-edge solutions. Serving various market segments including automotive, consumer electronics, industrial, and healthcare, the company ensures that their IP solutions enhance the performance and reliability of clients' products. A fundamental aspect of Canova Tech's business is their focus on mixed-signal IP, a field in which they have carved out a niche through continual refinement and innovation. Their design philosophy integrates fundamental and advanced parts of mixed-signal design, ensuring efficient power management and optimum performance in IC applications. Moreover, Canova Tech has made strategic investments into their design methodology, fostering a culture that places a premium on innovation and quality. Read more

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The CT25205 is a digital IP core developed to provide essential functionality for 10BASE-T1S Ethernet communications. Adhering to the IEEE 802.3cg standard, this core encompasses the PMA, PCS, and PLCA Reconciliation Sublayer blocks to facilitate effective data transmission. Designed in Verilog 2005 HDL, the CT25205 is versatile, synthesizable across standard cells and FPGA systems, and easily integrates with CSMA/CD Ethernet MACs via MII. This integration allows existing MAC devices to leverage advanced PLCA features without extensive modifications. Additionally, the CT25205's connection to the OPEN Alliance 10BASE-T1S PMD interface makes it ideal for use in Zonal Gateways SoCs and MCUs, driving efficient 10BASE-T1S communication with a host of innovative capabilities.

Canova Tech Srl
All Foundries
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The CT20601 offers a comprehensive USB Type-C interface solution designed for dual-role ports and power delivery. This IP core manages VCONN and VBUS efficiently, supporting diverse operations like dead-battery power-up scenarios. Its architecture facilitates safe and efficient power negotiation up to 100W while also enabling audio and video signal transmission. Moreover, the CT20601 integrates swiftly with other controllers, ensuring multimedia and data optimization for a seamless user experience with USB Power Delivery features.

Canova Tech Srl
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Supporting enhanced automotive and industrial Ethernet applications, the CT25203 acts as a robust analog front-end for IEEE 802.3cg compliant networks. This IP component intricately connects digital PHY structures with external communication interfaces, assuring seamless interactions across the Ethernet backbone. Designed with a focus on ensuring top-tier electromagnetic compatibility, the CT25203 sits as a cornerstone in developing reliable, high-performance PMD transceivers. This compact 8-pin packaged component is adeptly manufactured using high-voltage process technology, underscoring its superior EMC performance essential for challenging environments.

Canova Tech Srl
Analog Front Ends
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