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Blue Cheetah Analog Design

Blue Cheetah Analog Design is an innovator in semiconductor interconnect solutions, championing advancements particularly in the realm of chiplet interfacing. Their focused approach centers on the development of customizable, standards-based die-to-die interconnect IPs, designed to enhance the connectivity between chiplets. With a specialization in the implementation of OpenCompute Project’s Bunch of Wires (BoW) and the Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe), Blue Cheetah's IPs are optimized to provide flexible and efficient interfacing solutions suited to a range of technology standards like AMBA and ACE, ensuring broad applicability in industry practices. This commitment to customization and standards compliance ensures that Blue Cheetah meets the specific needs of chipmakers aiming to streamline their architectures and design processes without sacrificing the benefits of industry standardization. Situated at the forefront of semiconductor technology, Blue Cheetah Analog Design offers solutions that are highly adaptable, capable of meeting the robust demands of high performance computing, mobile, and AI sectors. Read more

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BlueLynx Chiplet Interconnect

The BlueLynx Chiplet Interconnect is designed for advanced and standard packaging applications, providing a versatile solution that supports high bandwidth requirements while adhering to industry standards. Its architecture simplifies the transition from System on Chips (SoCs) to chiplets by connecting effectively to various on-die Network-on-Chip (NoCs) standards. With the ability to customize bandwidth and process selections, BlueLynx IP is silicon-proven in several process nodes and foundries, ensuring both rapid silicon bring-up and first-pass success. The IP's design allows it to deliver low latency, high bandwidth, and energy efficiency, making it a cost-effective choice for modern semiconductor applications.

Blue Cheetah Analog Design
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