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Beyond Semiconductor

Beyond Semiconductor is a leader in addressing the complexities inherent in modern electronic devices. They empower their clients by providing innovative and secure solutions, enhancing the user experience through cutting-edge technology. Known initially for their processor expertise, Beyond has earned recognition among top-tier semiconductor companies for their sophisticated technology offerings. Over time, Beyond Semiconductor has extended its capabilities, focusing not only on processors, but also on integrating software and a holistic system-wide perspective. This evolution has enabled them to deliver secure, well-designed intellectual property (IP), ASICs, and tailored hardware security products. Their comprehensive approach ensures that customers receive the most innovative and secure technology solutions available. Beyond's commitment to innovation and security is evident in the robust electronic ecosystems they help create. They continue to support their clients by focusing on secure processes, facilitating new experiences that are both safe and reliable. By continuously evolving and expanding their product offerings, Beyond remains at the forefront of technological development in the semiconductor industry. Read more

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IPs available

Geon Secure Execution Processor

The Geon Secure Execution Processor from Beyond Semiconductor is at the forefront of security IP designed to protect complex systems. This processor integrates advanced security features, providing a trusted execution environment crucial for safeguarding sensitive operations. It handles critical path calculations, ensuring secure processing by employing state-of-the-art cryptographic methods. The processor's architecture is tailored for high performance alongside robust security, enabling it to offer encryption, decryption, and secure boot functionality seamlessly. Designed for system-on-chip (SoC) integration, it fits into a diverse range of applications, from consumer electronics to sensitive industrial systems. The flexibility of this processor allows it to adapt to various use-cases, delivering optimal performance and reliability. Aside from its inherent security capabilities, the Geon Secure Execution Processor supports secure firmware updates, ensuring that the deployed systems remain immune to emerging threats. It maintains a balance between performance efficiency and security, making it a critical component for any mission-critical device demanding high-security standards.

Beyond Semiconductor
All Foundries
Security Processor
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BA22-DE Deeply Embedded Processor

The BA22-DE Deeply Embedded Processor from Beyond Semiconductor represents a robust solution for systems requiring integrated, high-performance capabilities. It is engineered to support deeply embedded system functions, offering extensive computational power within a compact footprint. This processor's design excels in complex, specialized applications such as those in automotive controls or industrial automation, where flawless execution and operational stability are crucial. Its ability to manage intricate processing tasks efficiently is a testament to its sophisticated architecture and balanced resource management. Apart from its advanced processing abilities, the BA22-DE is tailored for integration into a wide array of devices, supporting not only advanced feature sets but also ensuring longevity and reliability in demanding environments. This adaptability makes it a favorite in sectors that demand both innovation and dependability from their embedded systems.

Beyond Semiconductor
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BA20 PipelineZero Embedded Processor

Beyond Semiconductor's BA20 PipelineZero Embedded Processor is engineered for straightforward integration into various applications, emphasizing efficiency and low power consumption. This processor is particularly useful for environments where power efficiency is as critical as performance, such as portable and handheld devices. The BA20 embraces a streamlined architecture that optimizes speed and energy use, enabling longer operation times without sacrificing computational capabilities. As an embedded processor, it offers versatility and adaptability, making it a preferred choice for developers looking to incorporate smart technology into compact devices. With its reduced pipeline design, the BA20 Embedded Processor minimizes processing delays, ensuring real-time responsiveness and enhanced operational performance. Its adaptability extends to various applications, from sensor networks to real-time data processing, highlighting its capacity as a reliable processor for next-generation technology.

Beyond Semiconductor
All Foundries
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BA21 Low-Power Embedded Processor

The BA21 Low-Power Embedded Processor, crafted by Beyond Semiconductor, is distinguished by its efficient energy use tailored for applications where power conservation is vital. Its architecture is optimized to deliver outstanding performance while consuming minimal power, ideal for battery-operated devices and systems with stringent energy budgets. This processor strikes a balance between power efficiency and processing capability, ensuring that devices operate efficiently in off-grid or mobile environments. It can handle a variety of tasks with a reduced energy footprint, making it invaluable in smart technologies and IoT devices where power availability might be limited. Supporting a myriad of applications, the BA21 Processor excels in environments demanding low-energy operations without compromising performance. Its implementations include everything from smart sensors to energy-conscious consumer electronics, showcasing its versatility in today's energy-aware technological landscape.

Beyond Semiconductor
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