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Attopsemi Technology Co., Ltd.

Attopsemi Technology Co., Ltd. is a leader in the field of semiconductor technology, providing innovative solutions for integrated circuits. Their mission is centered around developing cutting-edge technologies that cater to a vast array of markets and applications. Specializing in unique programming mechanisms, the company brings advanced solutions to complex design challenges facing the semiconductor industry. Their offerings significantly enhance the efficiency and performance of various applications, positioning Attopsemi as a pivotal partner in the modern technological landscape.\n\nThe company is renowned for its proprietary I-fuse® technology, a groundbreaking non-volatile memory programming mechanism distinguished for its reliability and compact size. Unlike conventional OTP solutions that are plagued by issues like large size and high programming voltage, I-fuse provides a robust alternative by being scalable and foundry independent. This flexibility allows it to integrate seamlessly into multiple manufacturing processes without the need for additional masks or steps, making it a cost-effective choice for modern semiconductor designs.\n\nWith a strong emphasis on reliability, Attopsemi's technologies are engineered to meet the stringent demands of industries such as automotive, where conditions require robust performance. Their systems are designed to withstand extreme temperatures and ensure data security, making them ideal for critical applications. Additionally, the company's commitment to innovation is evident in its continual efforts to refine and expand its product offerings, maintaining high standards in development and production. Read more

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I-fuse Replaser

I-fuse Replaser is designed to provide a compelling alternative to conventional laser fuses, offering an array of advantages including low programming voltage and time, along with the ability to perform programming post-packaging. The solution excels in reliability, meeting AEC-Q100 Grade 0 standards, and offers a compact footprint of less than 100um2 per bit up to 64 bits. Coupled with its soft programming capabilities, it reduces risks during the testing phases while supporting a broad temperature range during operation.

Attopsemi Technology Co., Ltd.
All Foundries
SDRAM Controller
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I-fuse S3

The I-fuse S3 represents an evolution of the I-fuse technology, boasting a remarkably small footprint especially advantageous for bit densities below 4Kbits. This enhanced architecture improves scalability, maintaining linear growth with increased bit count, and ensuring minimal power consumption with low programming voltages suitable for core or I/O specifications. Its auto-grade capability meets the rigorous standards required in automotive applications, making it a versatile choice across various technological platforms.

Attopsemi Technology Co., Ltd.
All Foundries
SDRAM Controller
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I-fuse is a revolutionary one-time programmable (OTP) mechanism that offers a reliable, physically modeled programming process based on heat dissipation and electro-migration. Unlike traditional fuses that can create debris upon breaking, I-fuse ensures a seamless and compact integration by operating without additional mask steps or hidden layers, thereby offering foundry independence. Its robust programming is grounded in true electro-migration physics, ensuring both programmability and high data security, with a short programming time and high reliability even in harsh environments exceeding 150°C.

Attopsemi Technology Co., Ltd.
All Foundries
SDRAM Controller
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