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Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.

Arasan Chip Systems, Inc. is a leading provider of semiconductor IP solutions, with a remarkable lineup of MIPI-compliant IPs that cater to mobile connectivity, storage, and wired interfaces. Over a billion chips using Arasan technology have been deployed globally, underscoring the firm's significant footprint in the tech industry. Their solutions are the backbone of mobile and automotive systems, among others, facilitating high-quality, reliable communication and storage. The company excels in supporting various mobile standards, offering silicon-proven IPs for eMMC, UFS, ONFI NAND Flash, and SD Card technologies. Arasan's groundbreaking contributions to MIPI standards include pioneering solutions for Camera Serial Interface (CSI), Display Serial Interface (DSI), and a full suite of PHY IPs. Their MIPI IPs are a standard choice for developing rigorous compliance testing and production methods. Beyond processing and connectivity solutions, Arasan provides robust hardware validation platforms and an extensive range of software drivers and stacks. The company's focus on ensuring seamless integration and compliance across automotive-grade software makes them a standout partner for software customization and updates throughout the product lifecycle. With a broad portfolio and renowned expertise, Arasan is a trusted entity driving innovation in mobile, IoT, automotive, and gaming technologies. The company plays an essential role in defining and adopting emerging standards. Arasan actively collaborates with recognized standards-setting bodies like MIPI, JEDEC, and the SD Association to maintain leading-edge solutions. Their engagement in strategic partnerships within the IP ecosystem significantly enhances their product development and compliance methodologies, offering unparalleled support and insights to their clients. Read more

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IPs available

MIPI DSI-2 Transmitter IP

Arasan's MIPI DSI-2 Transmitter IP is engineered for superior display capabilities, providing a feature-rich interface that bridges host processors with display panels. Fully compliant with the latest MIPI DSI standards, this IP supports various configuration modes to ensure broad compatibility and seamless integration with different devices. It offers high-speed data transfer to handle the stringent demands of modern high-definition displays while focusing on reducing power consumption in battery-dependent devices.

Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.
All Foundries
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MIPI CSI-2 Receiver IP

The MIPI CSI-2 Receiver IP from Arasan Chip Systems provides a comprehensive interface solution that connects cameras to various host processors. As a high-performance IP core, it supports the latest iterations of the MIPI CSI-2 specification, designed for seamless integration into devices requiring reliable camera communication. This IP provides high-speed data transmission, ensuring superior image and video quality while maintaining low power consumption. It's compliant with advanced CSI specifications, supporting different modes for broad interoperability.

Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.
All Foundries
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USB 3.0 Device IP

Arasan's USB 3.0 Device IP provides a significant performance enhancement for USB-enabled devices, seamlessly extending beyond the capabilities of USB 2.0 by introducing SuperSpeed USB 3.0 at 5Gbps. This comprehensive solution is designed for easy integration into SoC designs, offering backward compatibility along with energy-efficient features such as power management options. It supports advanced data handling mechanisms for high-performance computing, mobile, and consumer applications, ensuring substantial improvements in data throughput and power consumption.

Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.
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eMMC 5.1 Device Controller IP

The Arasan eMMC 5.1 Device Controller IP stands out for its exceptional data storage capabilities designed to meet the expanding content demands of current and future smart devices. This IP solution excels in managing high-speed data transfer thanks to its advanced command queuing system, significantly outperforming traditional storage solutions. It's integrated with enhanced strobe support at the PHY level to assure reliable operation, particularly in applications requiring robust data throughput and efficiency.

Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.
All Foundries
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UFS 4.0 Host IP

The UFS 4.0 Host IP from Arasan is a powerful storage interface solution that provides unprecedented data transfer speeds for electronics, notably achieving up to 46.4 Gbps per lane. This technology dramatically improves upon its predecessors, offering enhanced performance and better power efficiency making it ideal for next-generation mobile and automotive applications. It supports sophisticated error correction and wear leveling techniques to ensure data integrity over extended usage periods in diverse operational environments.

Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.
All Foundries
NVM Express
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