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Andes Technology

Andes Technology, established as a leading provider in the field of semiconductor IP, specializes in high efficiency, configurable microprocessor cores. The company is dedicated to innovating technologies that cater to a broad spectrum of applications ranging from 5G and artificial intelligence (AI) to automotive and Internet of Things (IoT) industries. With a strong emphasis on providing robust and versatile processor solutions, Andes Technology has positioned itself at the forefront of the industry, delivering high-performance products tailored to meet the evolving needs of its clients across the globe. The company's processor portfolio is centered around the AndesCoreā„¢ processor cores, which are built on the efficient RISC-V architecture. These cores are not only scalable, providing optimal performance across various market segments, but they also incorporate technologies that allow for custom extensions, making them highly adaptable for specific application requirements. Andes Technology continually invests in research and development, ensuring that its processor solutions are enhanced with the latest features and align with current market trends. Equipped with an impressive array of processing capabilities, Andes Technology offers support and resources for both hardware and software development, ensuring seamless integration and accelerated time-to-market for its clients' products. Their solutions enable developers to harness the full potential of their microprocessors, boosting performance while optimizing power efficiency. Through its comprehensive service offerings, Andes Technology supports its partners through every stage of product development, from concept to implementation. Read more

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AndeSight IDE

AndeSight IDE is a comprehensive Integrated Development Environment designed to maximize productivity for developers working with AndesCore processors. This Eclipse-based IDE offers distinct versions including the standard edition, RDS, and a lite version, covering a wide array of development needs from high-performance to more minimalistic setups for IoT projects. With features such as refined user interfaces, efficient coding, and debugging tools, AndeSight fosters a seamless development experience. Its robust support for code profiling, performance analysis, and advanced debugging allows developers to refine and optimize their projects effectively. AndeSight also incorporates a wide range of tools including a compiler, linker, and simulator, providing a cohesive environment where software and hardware design converge. Furthermore, the IDE supports co-designing of hardware and software, facilitating integration and execution across diverse hardware configurations. Additional support for RTOS awareness and copilot functionalities extend the capabilities of AndeSight, making it an invaluable resource in developing applications that are efficient, robust, and tailored to specific business needs.

Andes Technology
Peripheral Controller
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AndesCore Processors

The AndesCore processors consist of a versatile lineup of 32-bit and 64-bit CPU cores engineered for cutting-edge applications in emerging markets. Designed around the AndeStar V5 instruction set architecture and compliant with RISC-V standards, these processors offer a variety of solutions for diverse requirements. The compact series, featuring cores like the N22, are tailored for low power consumption and high performance, reaching benchmarks like 3.95 Coremark/MHz. This series emphasizes efficiency with a streamlined 2-stage pipeline for optimal operation. For enhanced design capabilities, the 25 and 27 series boast a 5-stage pipeline configuration, offering high frequency and performance efficiency. The 25 series, which includes models like the AX25 and AX25MP, supports multicore configurations and cache management systems to ensure coherent data processing. The advanced architecture allows these processors to accommodate high throughput requirements efficiently. The advanced 45 and 65 series incorporate dual-issue and out-of-order 8-stage and 13-stage pipelines, respectively. These series underscore Andes Technology's commitment to sophisticated processor design, supporting complex computations with vector processing units ideal for uses in scientific computing, multimedia processing, and machine learning. Innovations like MemBoost, coherence management, and vectored interrupt controllers enhance these cores, making them suitable for demanding technical landscapes.

Andes Technology
All Foundries
Processor Cores
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AndeShape Platforms

AndeShape platforms offer a suite of development tools optimized for designing with AndesCore processors. These platforms are divided into four main categories, each targeting specific development needs to streamline the design process. Products like the IPAE210P and AE300 provide generic platform IP for microcontroller and scalable SoC applications, respectively, ensuring that developers can integrate these tools into various hardware environments. Notably, AndeShape provides pre-integrated solutions with models like AE250 and AE350, both utilizing AHB and AXI fabric packages. The AE350, in particular, is equipped to handle larger applications, integrating with Andes' 25, 27, and 45 series processors. These platforms simplify the journey from concept to execution by minimizing the complexity associated with system integration and execution. In addition to traditional design platforms, AndeShape also encompasses development platforms based on FPGA technology. Such platforms, including the ADP-Corvette series, are Arduino-compatible, offering flexibility and adaptability for various IoT applications. These platforms extend the capabilities of AndesCore processors, providing a comprehensive toolkit for embedded system development.

Andes Technology
All Foundries
Processor Core Independent
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AndeSoft SW Stack

The AndeSoft SW Stack is a rich library of software components that provide robust support for developing applications on AndesCore processors. By leveraging the AndeSight IDE, developers can utilize an array of pre-verified components ranging from operating systems and middleware to extensive application frameworks. Designed to accelerate the development process, AndeSoft enables faster time-to-market by offering building blocks essential for smart devices and IoT applications. The stack provides access to a variety of open source and certified software from Andes partners, ensuring flexibility and high-quality standards for a range of development environments. Additionally, the software components within the stack are optimized to align with specific processor configurations, enhancing compatibility and performance across multiple hardware platforms. With comprehensive support for various protocols and APIs, AndeSoft offers unparalleled adaptability for the creation of versatile and efficient solutions.

Andes Technology
Peripheral Controller
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