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Achronix Semiconductor Corporation

Achronix Semiconductor Corporation is a leading provider of high-performance FPGA solutions. Based in Santa Clara, California, the company excels in developing advanced semiconductor IP, including both standalone FPGAs and embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP. Built on a history of innovation, Achronix's products are designed to meet the challenges of high-bandwidth workloads, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and many other demanding applications. Achronix is known for its Speedster7t FPGA family, which utilizes TSMC's 7nm process technology featuring a novel 2D network-on-chip architecture, enabling superior bandwidth and performance. The company's Speedcore eFPGA IP brings the flexibility of programmable logic to custom ASICs and SoCs, empowering customers with the ability to tailor their devices with specific logic and DSP capabilities. This embedded FPGA technology not only enables reductions in cost and power consumption but also allows for integration across a wide array of applications such as 5G wireless networks, automotive systems, and data centers. Furthermore, Achronix offers the VectorPath accelerator card, providing a streamlined path to market for high-performance computing and acceleration across artificial intelligence, machine learning, and networking tasks. The Achronix Tool Suite enhances their offering, equipped with state-of-the-art design and debugging tools necessary for efficient FPGA and eFPGA development. A global ecosystem of partners and comprehensive technical support underpins Achronix's commitment to helping customers meet their semiconductor and IP design needs. Read more

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Speedcore Embedded FPGA IP

Speedcore embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP represents a notable advancement in integrating programmable logic into ASICs and SoCs. Unlike standalone FPGAs, eFPGA IP lets designers tailor the exact dimensions of logic, DSP, and memory needed for their applications, making it an ideal choice for areas like AI, ML, 5G wireless, and more. Speedcore eFPGA can significantly reduce system costs, power requirements, and board space while maintaining flexibility by embedding only the necessary features into production. This IP is programmable using the same Achronix Tool Suite employed for standalone FPGAs. The Speedcore design process is supported by comprehensive resources and guidance, ensuring efficient integration into various semiconductor projects.

Achronix Semiconductor Corporation
Processor Cores
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Speedster7t FPGAs

The Speedster7t FPGA family is crafted for high-bandwidth tasks, tackling the usual restrictions seen in conventional FPGAs. Manufactured using the TSMC 7nm FinFET process, these FPGAs are equipped with a pioneering 2D network-on-chip architecture and a series of machine learning processors for optimal high-bandwidth performance and AI/ML workloads. They integrate interfaces for high-paced GDDR6 memory, 400G Ethernet, and PCI Express Gen5 ports. This 2D network-on-chip connects various interfaces to upward of 80 access points in the FPGA fabric, enabling ASIC-like performance, yet retaining complete programmability. The product encourages users to start with the VectorPath accelerator card which houses the Speedster7t FPGA. This family offers robust tools for applications such as 5G infrastructure, computational storage, and test and measurement.

Achronix Semiconductor Corporation
Processor Cores
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