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The most effective semiconductor IP promotion tool

Bring your IP to a whole new market, and allow designers to instantly, securely download your trial IP. Read more

The semiconductor IP market is booming, but the sales pipeline is inefficient and this is hampering growth. At Silicon Hub we are on a mission to create a fair, efficient and dynamic semiconductor IP market - helping IP vendors reach the right buyers, and giving IP buyers the best tools to find the perfect IP for their projects.

We believe that the semiconductor IP sales pipeline should be fully automated, allowing IP buyers to get your IP to the evaluation stage as quickly as possible. The sooner a potential client can evaluate your IP, the more likely they are to choose it over competing products. Therefore at Silicon Hub we are automating the semiconductor IP procurement process, letting your clients discover your IP, sign your NDA, download your datasheet, and access trial and evaluation versions of your IP in minutes.

Security is as the heart of everything we do at Silicon Hub. Your IP and datasheets are protected using military grade security, and you have complete control over who should be able to access your files and when. You also get comprehensive insights into whoever is interested in your semiconductor IP, with their contact details, job title and more.

We also know how important it is to manage your clients carefully during their evaluation stage, so we're providing a whole host of sales pipeline tools for free in Silicon Hub, letting you keep track of where clients are in their evaluation of your semiconductor IP, and email clients about news, updates and inspiration related to your IP products.

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