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Platform Security Semiconductor IP Solutions

In today's digital world, the importance of platform security cannot be overstated. Platform security semiconductor IPs are essential for protecting electronic systems from an increasing array of threats. These IPs play a critical role in ensuring that systems remain secure by safeguarding data, communications, and applications from unauthorized access or malicious attacks.

Platform security IPs include a variety of solutions such as encryption engines, secure boot mechanisms, and trusted execution environments. These technologies work in harmony to validate the authenticity of hardware and software components, providing a comprehensive security framework for electronic devices. By integrating these security measures at a fundamental level, semiconductor IPs ensure that systems are resilient to tampering and meet stringent security standards.

The applications of platform security semiconductor IPs span across a multitude of industries. From consumer electronics like smartphones and smart home devices to critical infrastructure systems and automotive applications, robust security is imperative. These IPs are designed to address the security needs of both edge devices and cloud-based platforms, preserving the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data as it is processed and transmitted.

In our Silicon Hub, you will find a diverse array of platform security semiconductor IPs tailored to meet varied security requirements. Whether you're looking to protect consumer devices or safeguard enterprise data centers, our cutting-edge IP solutions provide the reliability and flexibility needed to counteract evolving security threats. Explore our category to enhance your products with state-of-the-art security technologies.

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Secure Enclave (Hardmacro)

Overview: The Secure Enclave IPs are Common Criteria (CC) EAL5+PP0084/PP0117 and EAL5+PP0117 certification-ready Secure Enclaves, respectively. They are available as hard macros for seamless integration into SoCs. These Secure Enclave IPs provide the highest level of security for an SoC, incorporating patented design techniques and countermeasures against side-channel and perturbation attacks to ensure robust security while minimizing power consumption. Key Features:  Cryptographic Hardware Accelerators: Efficiently support standard cryptography and security operations to increase throughput while adhering to power constraints and security requirements.  BootROM and Secondary Boot Loader: Manage the certified life cycle of the Secure Enclave, enforcing and assuring security from manufacturing to deployment.  Proprietary IP: Based on proprietary IP that is free of 3rd party rights and royalties. Benefits: The Secure Enclave IPs offer robust security measures, efficient cryptographic support, and secure life cycle management, making them ideal for applications that require the highest levels of security and reliability. Applications: The Secure Enclave IP is versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications, including but not limited to:  Secured and Certified iSIM & iUICC  EMVco Payment  Hardware Cryptocurrency Wallets  FIDO2 Web Authentication  V2X HSM Protocols  Smart Car Access  Secured Boot  Secure OTA Firmware Updates  Secure Debug  Any design requiring a Secure Enclave, Secure Element, or Hardware Root of Trust protected against side-channel and perturbation fault attacks. Compliance and Support: The Secure Enclave is compliant with and ready for CC EAL5+ and EMVCo certification. It is delivered with an SDK and pre-certified CryptoLibrary and secure Boot Loader for seamless integration and enhanced security.

Plurko Technologies
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Platform Security
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