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Microcontroller Semiconductor IPs

Microcontrollers form the backbone of many modern electronic devices, offering precise control and processing capabilities that power everything from consumer electronics to industrial machines. In the world of semiconductor IPs, microcontrollers provide the essential building blocks that allow developers to design complex functionalities tailored to specific applications. This category is vital for those looking to integrate processing and control functionalities directly into their embedded systems, providing efficiencies in both performance and energy use.

Microcontrollers available as semiconductor IPs are used in a broad spectrum of applications, from automotive and aerospace to smart home devices and IoT gadgets. By selecting a microcontroller IP, developers can customize core functions such as CPU architecture, memory management, input/output controls, and specialized peripherals to meet the specific needs of their projects. These IPs are designed to streamline the development process, reduce time-to-market, and offer flexibility in the design and scalability of end products.

One of the key advantages of utilizing microcontroller semiconductor IPs is the ability to incorporate proprietary or emerging technologies seamlessly into existing systems. This not only helps in keeping the product line up-to-date with the latest technology trends but also ensures that the devices remain competitive in the rapidly evolving electronics marketplace. Moreover, integrating microcontroller IPs can lead to cost savings by minimizing the need for additional chips and lowering power consumption through optimized architectures and process technologies.

As you explore the Processor > Microcontroller category in our Silicon Hub, you'll discover a wealth of options that cater to various industry needs, ranging from low-power designs suitable for portable devices to high-performance solutions required for complex computing tasks. Whether you are designing a simple control unit or a sophisticated embedded application, microcontroller semiconductor IPs provide the versatility and functionality necessary to drive innovation.

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CHAMELEON is a one-stop MCU subsystem platform developed with a focus on enabling ultra-low power operations for intelligent IoT and sensor-centric devices. The platform's architecture is uniquely event-based, supporting versatile data processing at ultra-low power levels, while allowing flexibility to switch or handle multiple CPU cores effectively. Central to its design is the integration of a fine-grained power management unit and a machine learning booster, facilitating energy-saving operation modes while still ensuring robust performance for edge AI applications. This allows CHAMELEON to serve sectors where efficient data handling and energy conservation are paramount. With readily available pre-verified architectures and compatibility with multiple cores including Cortex M-series processors, CHAMELEON is configured for seamless interoperability with Dolphin Design’s SPIDER power management systems. Its design toolchain supports the quick adaptation and customization according to specific application needs, thereby reducing both development costs and time-to-market latency.

Dolphin Design
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Optimized for speed, the DP80390XP is a soft core of an 8-bit embedded controller, delivering over 15 times the performance of the original 80C51 processor. It's tailored to function with both high-speed on-chip and slower off-chip memories, making it an exceptional choice for advanced embedded applications that need enhanced processing power and efficiency.

Digital Core Design
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BA22-DE Deeply Embedded Processor

The BA22-DE Deeply Embedded Processor from Beyond Semiconductor represents a robust solution for systems requiring integrated, high-performance capabilities. It is engineered to support deeply embedded system functions, offering extensive computational power within a compact footprint. This processor's design excels in complex, specialized applications such as those in automotive controls or industrial automation, where flawless execution and operational stability are crucial. Its ability to manage intricate processing tasks efficiently is a testament to its sophisticated architecture and balanced resource management. Apart from its advanced processing abilities, the BA22-DE is tailored for integration into a wide array of devices, supporting not only advanced feature sets but also ensuring longevity and reliability in demanding environments. This adaptability makes it a favorite in sectors that demand both innovation and dependability from their embedded systems.

Beyond Semiconductor
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BA20 PipelineZero Embedded Processor

Beyond Semiconductor's BA20 PipelineZero Embedded Processor is engineered for straightforward integration into various applications, emphasizing efficiency and low power consumption. This processor is particularly useful for environments where power efficiency is as critical as performance, such as portable and handheld devices. The BA20 embraces a streamlined architecture that optimizes speed and energy use, enabling longer operation times without sacrificing computational capabilities. As an embedded processor, it offers versatility and adaptability, making it a preferred choice for developers looking to incorporate smart technology into compact devices. With its reduced pipeline design, the BA20 Embedded Processor minimizes processing delays, ensuring real-time responsiveness and enhanced operational performance. Its adaptability extends to various applications, from sensor networks to real-time data processing, highlighting its capacity as a reliable processor for next-generation technology.

Beyond Semiconductor
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BA21 Low-Power Embedded Processor

The BA21 Low-Power Embedded Processor, crafted by Beyond Semiconductor, is distinguished by its efficient energy use tailored for applications where power conservation is vital. Its architecture is optimized to deliver outstanding performance while consuming minimal power, ideal for battery-operated devices and systems with stringent energy budgets. This processor strikes a balance between power efficiency and processing capability, ensuring that devices operate efficiently in off-grid or mobile environments. It can handle a variety of tasks with a reduced energy footprint, making it invaluable in smart technologies and IoT devices where power availability might be limited. Supporting a myriad of applications, the BA21 Processor excels in environments demanding low-energy operations without compromising performance. Its implementations include everything from smart sensors to energy-conscious consumer electronics, showcasing its versatility in today's energy-aware technological landscape.

Beyond Semiconductor
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With a focus on maximizing code efficiency, the D32PRO IP core caters to the power and size constraints of contemporary connected devices. Its architecture promotes reduced gate count while offering impressive compute performance, reaching up to 2.67 DMIPS/MHz. As a royalty-free, silicon-validated solution, it is suitable for an array of embedded applications.

Digital Core Design
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