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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller > Ziptilion BW

Ziptilion BW

From ZeroPoint Technologies


Ziptilion BW is a performance-oriented IP that enhances DDR bandwidth, delivering up to 25% more at standard frequencies and power levels. This IP is essential for improving the efficiency of memory-intensive applications, making it a valuable asset to systems where optimal bandwidth usage is critical. Ziptilion BW achieves this through innovative compression techniques that streamline data flow without compromising speed or integrity.

Designed specifically for SoC integration, Ziptilion BW ensures that systems can maximize memory bandwidth to improve overall performance. Its implementation reduces the bottlenecks commonly associated with memory data access, allowing for smoother and more efficient information processing. This capability is particularly advantageous in data centers seeking to enhance their throughput without significant infrastructure overhauls.

Additionally, by optimizing the available memory bandwidth, Ziptilion BW allows for a more effective use of power resources. This optimization translates into tangible energy savings, supporting data centers in their efforts to reduce electricity consumption. Its presence in a system denotes a commitment to high-performance and sustainable operational practices, balancing the dual objectives of speed and sustainability.

  • up to 25% more DDR bandwidth
  • improves SoC efficiency
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
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