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xSPI for Industrial IoT and Embedded Systems

From Everspin Technologies


The xSPI MRAM product family from Everspin offers a high-performance, non-volatile memory solution built on industrial STT MRAM technology. These products align with the latest JEDEC standards, providing expanded capabilities for the Industrial IoT and embedded systems through a sophisticated SPI-compatible interface.

Featuring a broad operating range on a 1.8V power supply, xSPI MRAM devices facilitate rapid data operation, supporting both read and write functions up to 400MBps across multiple I/O configurations. This interface's high-speed functionality and minimal pin requirements make it an efficient choice for applications such as process control, automotive systems, and integrated IoT environments.

Everspin's xSPI MRAM marks a transformative step in memory technology by replacing older devices like SRAM and NOR flash with more efficient and reliable alternatives. Its adaptability and performance serve a variety of industries requiring fast, reliable memory solutions for modern automation and control processes.

  • High-speed interface
  • SPI-compatible
  • Low power
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial automation
  • Automotive IoT
  • Process control
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