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xQlave Post-Quantum Cryptography

From Xiphera Ltd


xQlave is designed to withstand the future capabilities of quantum computing by offering secure implementations of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. It features the ML-KEM (Kyber) for key encapsulation and ML-DSA (Dilithium) for digital signatures. These cryptographic solutions are based on NIST-standardized algorithms which are created to thwart quantum computer attacks. With a focus on small resource footprint, maximal performance, or optimal balance, this product ensures secure key exchanges and digital signatures in post-quantum environments. The xQlave family not only offers quantum-resilient security but also embraces hybrid models, combining classical cryptography with quantum-resistant algorithms to enhance current security protocols gradually. xQlave is particularly suited to systems needing future-proof security solutions as quantum threats become more tangible, providing a safeguard for today’s encryption methodologies by integrating seamlessly with existing infrastructure.

  • Quantum security
  • Secure key exchange
  • Digital signatures
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Secure communications
  • Digital signatures
  • Post-quantum key exchange
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