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Xilinx Zynq FPGA Solutions

From LeWiz Communications, Inc.


LeWiz offers innovative solutions leveraging the Xilinx Zynq FPGA architecture, providing a powerful combination of CPU and FPGA capabilities on a single platform. These solutions are geared towards applications that require high-speed data processing and intensive data workloads.

By integrating FPGA capabilities, LeWiz's solutions enable highly parallel processing, making them ideal for scenarios where rapid data throughput is needed, such as video streaming and telecommunications. The adaptability of FPGAs allows for customization and precise tuning of functionalities to meet specific application demands, offering unmatched flexibility and performance enhancements.

The synergy between the ARM processor and FPGA in these solutions ensures a balanced architecture that can efficiently handle complex tasks. LeWiz's expertise in FPGA deployment ensures high reliability and performance, crucial for industries such as aerospace and defense that demand advanced data processing and real-time responsiveness.

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Category Graphic & Peripheral > GPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
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