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All IPs > Processor > DSP Core > XC4500


From Ceva, Inc.


The XC4500 is a highly versatile multi-mode communication processor designed for advanced wireless applications. As a fourth-generation DSP vector processor, the XC4500 is engineered to provide robust performance with excellent scalability and flexibility for various communication needs. Its architecture is optimized for multi-standard operations, allowing it to seamlessly handle multiple wireless communication protocols simultaneously.

With its focus on high data throughput and efficiency, the XC4500 is particularly suited for advanced wireless networks requiring agile and responsive processing capabilities. It supports scalable configurations that can be tailored to different application requirements, from small scale consumer devices to large network infrastructure components.

The XC4500 is built to accommodate future technological enhancements and supports a wide array of modulations and coding schemes, enabling efficient data transmission across multiple channels. This robust processor is ideal for applications demanding reliable and consistent communication, such as automotive V2X, wireless base stations, and sophisticated radar systems.

  • Multi-standard operations
  • Efficient data throughput
  • Scalable configurations
Tech Specs
Category Processor > DSP Core
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Advanced Wireless Applications
  • Automotive V2X
  • Radar Systems
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