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All IPs > Processor > DSP Core > XC16


From Ceva, Inc.


The XC16 is Ceva's pinnacle baseband processor, celebrated as the world's most powerful vector DSP. Leveraging the innovative Gen4 Ceva-XC multithread architecture, the XC16 is engineered to deliver unprecedented processing power and speed essential for modern communication systems. It is meticulously designed to cater to applications requiring enhanced parallel processing and throughput, including advanced telecommunication and IT infrastructures.

This DSP is capable of supporting high-fidelity signal processing across expansive communication networks, suitable for both consumer and industrial applications. The XC16 is particularly geared towards smartphones and high-end IoT devices where vast data processing demands exist, ensuring optimally efficient power consumption and extended battery life.

Its architecture allows it to work in a variety of communication environments, providing support for diverse cellular technologies, ensuring maximum compatibility and future-proofing. Furthermore, its ability to process complex signal algorithms quickly makes it a valuable asset for developing next-level mobile and infrastructure innovations.

  • Gen4 Ceva-XC architecture
  • High processing power
  • Energy efficiency
Tech Specs
Category Processor > DSP Core
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Telecommunications
  • High-End IoT Solutions
  • Infrastructure Development
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