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X1 SATA SSD Controller

From Hyperstone GmbH


The X1 SATA SSD controller is engineered to cater to the rigorous demands of industrial storage applications, promising high energy efficiency. Key features include a 32-bit dual-core microprocessor with bespoke instruction sets and hardware accelerators, designed for optimal flash memory management. It incorporates the hyMap® sub-page-based Flash Translation Layer (FTL), FlashXE® extended endurance features, and hyReliability™ flash management, improving its reliability and durability. These tools, alongside on-the-fly AES encryption and comprehensive error correction algorithms, make the X1 a powerhouse for dependable NAND Flash management.

  • High power efficiency
  • 32-bit dual-core microprocessor
  • Customized sub-page FTL
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > SATA
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial SSD modules
  • CFast cards
  • Embedded SATA solutions
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