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All IPs > Processor > AI Processor > Wormhole


From Tenstorrent


The Wormhole processor series offers robust solutions for balancing power and computational throughput efficiency, specifically geared toward AI applications. This series includes the n150s and n300s models, designed with differing capacities to serve varying demands of AI computing.

The n150s, with its standard size and 3/4 length, incorporates a single Wormhole processor and is optimized for applications that require up to 160 watts. This design makes it perfect for scalable AI solutions that do not compromise on performance, ensuring efficient processing power for complex AI models.

The n300s elevates the capabilities further by featuring dual Wormhole processors, doubling the computational power, and is designed to operate at up to 300 watts. This model is particularly suitable for high-output environments such as data centers or for users requiring intensive AI model computations. With its standard height and substantial power envelope, the n300s provides a comprehensive solution for large-scale AI operations.

The Wormhole family is built for AI environments demanding high computational power and efficiency, delivering peak performance without excessive power draw, ideally suited for cutting-edge AI developments and inferences in demanding scenarios.

  • Balancing Power and Throughput
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data Centers
  • AI Model Operations
  • Scalable Solutions
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