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All IPs > Wireless Communication > Wireless USB > Wireless Baseband IP

Wireless Baseband IP

From Low Power Futures


The Wireless Baseband IP from Low Power Futures is crafted for minimal area usage and ultra-low-power consumption, making it an ideal solution for compact and efficient IoT applications. This IP integrates a baseband processor and link layer or media access control firmware that is streamlined for a small footprint while ensuring robust security features. With its design focused on system-level optimization, it is perfect for low-power and resource-constrained IoT sensors, enabling easy integration into a System on Chip (SoC) with support for multiple microcontrollers. The IP is thoroughly validated on FPGA platforms, ensuring compliance and reliability across different IoT solutions. Its applications are diverse, ranging from smart and secure tags to industrial IoT and smart home systems, emphasizing its versatility in low power audio and intelligent sensor networks.

  • Power and area optimization
  • Easy integration
  • Full standard compliance
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > Wireless USB
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Beacon
  • Smart sensor
  • Smart home
  • Connected audio
  • Rich gateway
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