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Waves Wi-Fi Platforms

From Ceva, Inc.


Ceva's Waves Wi-Fi Platforms represent an advanced suite of embeddable Wi-Fi IPs designed to support evolving wireless communication needs from Wi-Fi 4 to Wi-Fi 7. This platform is aimed at delivering high-performance wireless connectivity across a broad range of devices and applications, from mobile gadgets to industrial IoT networks.

The extensive range of these platforms makes them suitable for applications requiring versatile connectivity solutions. With their ability to handle high-speed data rates and provide extensive coverage, they are poised to meet the challenges of modern connectivity demands. The Wi-Fi Platforms support multiple frequency bands and advanced networking standards, ensuring compatibility with future technologies.

Designed to be power-conscious, these Wi-Fi platforms are optimized for low energy consumption, enhancing their viability for power-sensitive applications. Their modular nature strengthens developers' flexibility, allowing easy adaptation and integration into existing systems to enhance connectivity without compromising on design constraints.

  • Wi-Fi 4 to 7 support
  • Wide frequency band compatibility
  • Low energy consumption
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile Communications
  • IoT Networks
  • Industrial Connectivity
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