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Waves Dragonfly NB-IoT

From Ceva, Inc.


The Waves Dragonfly NB-IoT IP platform from Ceva is a comprehensive solution tailored for the evolving needs of narrowband IoT applications. Offering enhanced NB-IoT capabilities, this platform is intricately designed to support multiple connectivity scenarios with robust performance metrics suitable for widespread IoT deployment.

dragonfly platform provides full support for NB-IoT Release 15, optimizing it for both power and area efficiency, ensuring that it remains cost-effective for large-scale IoT implementations. Its compatibility with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) further enhances its utility, enabling precise location tracking for asset management and monitoring solutions.

The platform's ability to operate across various IoT endpoints, including smart city infrastructures and industrial automation, makes it invaluable for developers looking to leverage IoT ecosystems extensively. Its low power consumption and compact design make the platform a strategic choice for developers aiming to maximize device longevity and functional robustness in diverse environments.

  • NB-IoT Release 15 support
  • GNSS Compatibility
  • Low Power and Area efficiency
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > W-CDMA
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Smart City Infrastructure
  • Industrial Automation
  • Asset Management
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